Require s/w to join GIFs

  • Thread starter Thread starter Waraf Nido
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Waraf Nido

What freeware can I use to join GIFs?

I want to make up a single GIF from the 9 separate GIFs as used by
many streetmap sites.
If I understand you correctly (and if you are using Windows), MS Paint is
perfect for this. Joining things together is one of its top tasks!!!! You
may need the MS Office converters to resave as .gif. But if you don't have
them, save as bitmap and reopen with Irfanview or some other app and save as
gif through that. (I don't think you need the converters to open gifs,

Anthony Giorgianni

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Oh, forgot to say: If you do try MS Paint, you simply can use ctrl-c and
ctrl-v to paste the gifs from other apps. Also, you might enlarge the bitmap
(the white area you are working in) ahead of time using Image/Attribute
toolbar. Make it big - enough to paste in all the pieces. You always can
drag it smaller after you are done (drag dots are at the corners and sides).
Paint lets you stitch together stuff easily and precisely. I have payware
that does this too (I guess Paint IS payware - sorry. Make it:
You-probably-already-have-ware), but I really like
using Paint for this.

Anthony Giorgianni

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"Anthony Giorgianni" <pleasepostbacktothetgroup@postbacktogroup.invalid>
wrote in message
If I understand you correctly (and if you are using Windows), MS
Paint is perfect for this. Joining things together is one of its
top tasks!!!! You may need the MS Office converters to resave as
.gif. But if you don't have them, save as bitmap and reopen with
Irfanview or some other app and save as gif through that. (I
don't think you need the converters to open gifs, though)
Oh, forgot to say: If you do try MS Paint, you simply can use
ctrl-c and ctrl-v to paste the gifs from other apps. Also, you
might enlarge the bitmap (the white area you are working in)
ahead of time using Image/Attribute toolbar. Make it big -
enough to paste in all the pieces. You always can drag it
smaller after you are done (drag dots are at the corners and
sides). Paint lets you stitch together stuff easily and
precisely. I have payware that does this too (I guess Paint IS
payware - sorry. Make it: You-probably-already-have-ware), but I
really like using Paint for this.

MS Paint opens my GIFs at a very large magnification. It is approx 5
or 10 times the size of my screen. I can't work with that sort of

MS Paint's "custom zoom" option only seems to let me enlarge it
further but not to shrink it. Is there a way around this?
Yeah, I meant to mention that that's the one big drawback. It usually isn't
a problem for me though, since a large format lets me line up everything
real precisely by focusing the stitch seam. But you are right. MS Paint
really should have a view reducer.

If it's no good for you, I don't know a freeware to suggest. (I sometimes
use Adobe Photodeluxe - not freeware - as an alternative or in addition to
Paint.) I suspect there may be a way to do this using The Gimp. I just tried
and can't figure it out quickly - it's always so hard figuring out stuff in
The Gimp :O( Maybe someone here as an alternative idea. But if you fool
around with MS Paint a bit, it's not as bad as you might think working in
that large format, even though you won't be able to see everything at once,
at least there's no way that I know of. Sorry.

Anthony Giorgianni

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Oh Oh Oh!

I just tried an WAS able to stitich using MS Photo Editor!!! Worked great
and you CAN reduce the view. And you can move all the pieces around too.
Again, it's not freeware, but you may already
have it. Very, very nice.

Also, I should have added: You CAN reduce the size of the image in MS
Paint -
using the Image attributes command. But I think you actually want a small
view, not a smaller image.

Anthony Giorgianni

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"Anthony Giorgianni" <pleasepostbacktothetgroup@postbacktogroup.invalid>
wrote in message