omega said:
Thanks. I will try it and post back.A related note. Your startup manager will show the command for the daily
w98 reg backup: "scanregw.exe /autorun". It doesn't take super long when
that runs -- but it does take, I don't know, a minute or so. And, from
how I remember, its default startup entry is in a location where it does
its stuff first, and makes everyone else wait.
I found it better to move that command out of the registry, and instead
run from the startup folder, having it launch late, after most everyone
You should be able to make that change with a startup manager. If you're
not running a startup manager that will do the move automatically, then
you could create the shortcut (scanregw.exe /autorun) yourself, putting
that in your startup folder. Then have your startup manager remove the
scanregw run entry from the registry.
Mike Sa