Req. Numlock control

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Years ago, I had a small executable that could be set at bootup to turn NumLock
off. Can't find it now.

A link to this kind of utility?

Mike Sa
ms said:
Years ago, I had a small executable that could be set at bootup to
turn NumLock off. Can't find it now.

A link to this kind of utility?

Mike Sa

Check your BIOS


dadiOH's dandies v3.05...
....a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
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Years ago, I had a small executable that could be set at
bootup to turn NumLock off. Can't find it now.

A link to this kind of utility?

Mike Sa

If you OS uses config.sys, add to it this:

ms said:
Years ago, I had a small executable that could be set at bootup to turn NumLock
off. Can't find it now.

A link to this kind of utility?

I use The Wonderful Icon for this sort of thing

It has a 'do nothing' option that I use for Capslock and could be used
for numlock I assume - not that I have a numlock here. Or you could
remap numlock to do something else - eg my Insert key pastes my email
jo said:
I use The Wonderful Icon for this sort of thing

It has a 'do nothing' option that I use for Capslock and could be used
for numlock I assume - not that I have a numlock here. Or you could
remap numlock to do something else - eg my Insert key pastes my email

Earlier today on my notebook, the mystery key of scroll-lock got
accidently clicked into effect, which Agent honors. It sent me into
total noob confusion for a bit (almost called AOL tech support, so
they could help me to reinstall Windows). Anyway, it occurs to me that
scroll-lock is good candidate for remap. Not so annoying as the Insert,
but it's mostly useless.
dadiOH said:
Check your BIOS
I know it's somewhere in BIOS, don't want to get into that.

Google came up with several small utilities, but for XP. I have W98SE.

Mike Sa
ms said:
I know it's somewhere in BIOS, don't want to get into that.

Google came up with several small utilities, but for XP. I have W98SE.

Mike Sa

If I recall correctly you can also configure it in your c:\config.sys file.
Just insert

omega said:
Earlier today on my notebook, the mystery key of scroll-lock got
accidently clicked into effect, which Agent honors. It sent me into
total noob confusion for a bit (almost called AOL tech support, so
they could help me to reinstall Windows).

It is a bit of an Agent FAQ...
Anyway, it occurs to me that
scroll-lock is good candidate for remap. Not so annoying as the Insert,
but it's mostly useless.

I use scroll lock at times; insert is wholly useless and is Satan's key.
Mel said:
"ms" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
If I recall correctly you can also configure it in your c:\config.sys file.
Just insert

Thanks to you and J- same tip. I don't have c:\config.sys, mine is in
C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\EBD, it looks like:
menuitem=CD, Start computer with CD-ROM support.
menuitem=NOCD, Start computer without CD-ROM support.
menuitem=HELP, View the Help file.

device=himem.sys /testmem:off
device=oakcdrom.sys /D:mscd001
device=btcdrom.sys /D:mscd001
device=aspicd.sys /D:mscd001

device=himem.sys /testmem:off

device=himem.sys /testmem:off

devicehigh=ramdrive.sys /E 2048

I added Numlock under Common where the usual config.sys data was.

No effect. That numlock key persists until manual kill, a real PITA.

Mike Sa
Mel said:
If I recall correctly you can also configure it in your
c:\config.sys file. Just insert

Thanks to you and J- same tip. I don't have c:\config.sys,
mine is in C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\EBD, it looks like:
menuitem=CD, Start computer with CD-ROM support.
menuitem=NOCD, Start computer without CD-ROM support.
menuitem=HELP, View the Help file.

device=himem.sys /testmem:off
device=oakcdrom.sys /D:mscd001
device=btcdrom.sys /D:mscd001
device=aspicd.sys /D:mscd001

device=himem.sys /testmem:off

device=himem.sys /testmem:off

devicehigh=ramdrive.sys /E 2048

I added Numlock under Common where the usual config.sys
data was.

No effect. That numlock key persists until manual kill, a
real PITA.

Mike Sa

Did you restart the PC (not just windoze) after you saved the

ms said:
Thanks to you and J- same tip. I don't have c:\config.sys, mine is in

That's not the file you want to edit (files in that folder are for when
you ask Windows to make an emergency boot disk or something).

Use notepad and create the file "c:\config.sys". Then add in the one line
that's been suggested. Reboot, and see whether it worked....
jo said:
It is a bit of an Agent FAQ...

Not one I'd paid attention to. Speaking of Agent FAQs, though, there's one
where I've totally forgotten the answer. Involves where Agent inserts an
extra (unwanted, unasked) line break upon send. It used to happen an old
version of Agent, known bug, but I cannot remember the specifics. And now
it's been happening to me lately on v193, in cases where I've pasted an URL.
Perhaps it is set off when I've an extra space character at the end of the
URL, or something similar. I don't want to spend time asking over in auorfa
(too compulsive about reading all group mssgs within arm's reach, so that'd
cost me 100+ hrs). And I'm failing to think up the right keywords for a
reasonable search... :<
omega said:
Not one I'd paid attention to. Speaking of Agent FAQs, though, there's one
where I've totally forgotten the answer. Involves where Agent inserts an
extra (unwanted, unasked) line break upon send. It used to happen an old
version of Agent, known bug, but I cannot remember the specifics. And now
it's been happening to me lately on v193, in cases where I've pasted an URL.
Perhaps it is set off when I've an extra space character at the end of the
URL, or something similar. I don't want to spend time asking over in auorfa
(too compulsive about reading all group mssgs within arm's reach, so that'd
cost me 100+ hrs). And I'm failing to think up the right keywords for a
reasonable search... :<

Advanced google groups - all words - auorfa

line send extra[email protected]&rnum=17

line break send extra[email protected]&rnum=1

Don't help much tho :-)

It's not something I've ever come across, nor seen discussion of in the
omega said:
That's not the file you want to edit (files in that folder are for when
you ask Windows to make an emergency boot disk or something).

Use notepad and create the file "c:\config.sys". Then add in the one line
that's been suggested. Reboot, and see whether it worked....
Thanks, again, Karen. That fixed it. Back to normal, at bootup, numlock flashes
on, goes off during the bootup process. With the help of others and especially
you, my puter now looks like a week ago, normal.

One new item after restoring an old registry- after desktop appears, now there is
an abnormally long (3-4 minutes) HD running time before usual resting state,
several of my utilities now wait to appear in System Tray until HD processing
stops. Before it was settling down in about 15 seconds.
Something is running in the background. I scanned, no spyware, viruses.
As you get older, keeping the mind active is good, my 1997 puter helps every way
it can.

Mike Sa
ms said:
Thanks to you and J- same tip. I don't have c:\config.sys, mine is
in C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\EBD, it looks like:
I added Numlock under Common where the usual config.sys data was.

No effect. That numlock key persists until manual kill, a real PITA.

No effect because it was the wrong file. You'd do better doing it in
the BIOS rather than messing with files you don't understand.


dadiOH's dandies v3.05...
....a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
Get it at
ms said:
Thanks to you and J- same tip.
Thanks, again, Karen. That fixed it. Back to normal, at bootup, numlock flashes
on, goes off during the bootup process. With the help of others and especially
you, my puter now looks like a week ago, normal.

I'm glad to hear that!
One new item after restoring an old registry- after desktop appears, now there is
an abnormally long (3-4 minutes) HD running time before usual resting state,
several of my utilities now wait to appear in System Tray until HD processing
stops. Before it was settling down in about 15 seconds.

The first step to take there is to run a startup manager. Even if that
doesn't show anything funky as active, but reveals instead an orphan
entry or two, I think that might still cause Windows to spend time
hunting around during startup.

A related note. Your startup manager will show the command for the daily
w98 reg backup: "scanregw.exe /autorun". It doesn't take super long when
that runs -- but it does take, I don't know, a minute or so. And, from
how I remember, its default startup entry is in a location where it does
its stuff first, and makes everyone else wait.

I found it better to move that command out of the registry, and instead
run from the startup folder, having it launch late, after most everyone

You should be able to make that change with a startup manager. If you're
not running a startup manager that will do the move automatically, then
you could create the shortcut (scanregw.exe /autorun) yourself, putting
that in your startup folder. Then have your startup manager remove the
scanregw run entry from the registry.
jo said:
extra (unwanted, unasked) line break upon send. [...]
it's been happening to me lately on v193, in cases where I've pasted an URL.

Advanced google groups - all words - auorfa [....]
Don't help much tho :-)

Nope... Btw, those particular messages brought back the memory of
when people in auorfa would ask about the "mystery line" that appeared
at the bottom of posts they were reading, and then asked why they
couldn't change it, and why it would come and go as it pleased. That
used to be sorta psychedelic, reading messages like that.
It's not something I've ever come across, nor seen discussion of in the

That info helped. To save me time. And instead resort to a strategy which
I normally avoid. Mental concentration on the problem for a minute or two.
From that (last resort), I did get a working hypothesis. Then used a test
group to confirm.

The reason I am having the problem, and it is not particularly common for
other Free\Agent users, it's due to my liking to indent by a few spaces,
when I have a line with an URL or similar.

Here is what I found the rules are, for avoiding an extra empty line getting
inserted. When I have an URL (or any string with no space characters) which
is longer than my settings for breaking lines, then I have these choices.

1. Avoid any beginning indentation for the line where put the URL
(or long string)

2. Temporarily change my post settings to not break at 76, but
instead at 200 or whatever. And manually do the breaks myself
for the rest of the post.