Replacing motherboard

  • Thread starter Thread starter John
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John said:
You understand my question perfectly.

Now, will they accept your excuse? Or is there any possibility they
will make you rebuy Vista?


You are not required to tell them *anything*. You'll probably get
quicker service if you play dumb and say your computer "broke" so you
had to reinstall Windows.

Alias said:


HA HA HA - Many others know what a lying sack of donkey dung you really
are. You use Ubuntu yet you can't go to the Ubuntu forum to help those
sorry sacks.

You have to troll here because you have no clue how your INFERIOR OS
really works. What a ****ed up loser. BY the way, how is that
imaginary $14k a week you claim to get from the tooth fairy?

Investing in velvet paintings of dogs playing poker?
Alias said:
You are not required to tell them *anything*. You'll probably get
quicker service if you play dumb and say your computer "broke" so you
had to reinstall Windows.


Funny. Alias doesn't play dumb. Alias is DUMB!
Mr.Pancks said:
If you worked at WalMart, at least you'd have something better to do
than post wrong answers here all day.
I had to re-activate because I went from a RAID 0 to a non-RAID setup.

You didn't do that. The "associates" at the Geek Squad did it for you.

The exact same hard-drives, MB,graphics cards,fans,plug,dust-bunnies...etc.
It doesn't take long...but activation is why I started using Linux.

Because it was too hard for you. You started getting frustrated because
you didn't know what to do.

Activation is easy and takes a few minutes for most people with brains.
That is why you had trouble. No brain.
If every time I clean the monitor, I have to re-activate, its time to
move on.

Yes, in your world every time you clean your monitor you need to
re-activate! HA HA HA HA . Loser.

You should try Linux.

Linux sucks and should not be used by most. Linux/Ubuntu was written by
geeks for geeks who can't get laid.

No wonder you use Linux.

One side note: you have be smarter than the chair your fat ass sits in
to use it.

Look in the mirror you retard.
Mr.Pancks said:
Oh Yeah !
Hey...if you trade Vista in for Linux, the government will give you up to

Bullshit. Linux is worth exactly what you pay for it: NOTHING.
Pay off that trailer loan with that !

Sorry to burst your bubble. I live in a very nice two story house in
the suburbs of Southern California. One of the safest towns in the USA.

Or, put new tires on it!

New tires on your trailer. IDIOT.

Buy your wife a tent, I mean a dress!

Oops. You are thinking about your latex girlfriend. Better let out
some air.

I bet that is one ugly woman.

You should have purchased a nicer looking latex woman.

You hang out with the dog more than her?

You have sex with your dog? Figures. I'll bet he runs when he sees you.
Bill said:
Sorry to burst your bubble. I live in a very nice two story house in
the suburbs of Southern California. One of the safest towns in the USA.

There's no such thing as a safe hamlet, village, town or city in California.

Mr.Pancks said:
If you worked at WalMart, at least you'd have something better to do
than post wrong answers here all day.
I had to re-activate because I went from a RAID 0 to a non-RAID setup.
The exact same hard-drives, MB,graphics cards,fans,plug,dust-bunnies...etc.
It doesn't take long...but activation is why I started using Linux.
If every time I clean the monitor, I have to re-activate, its time to
move on.

I first thought of going to Linux after Microsoft LIED and said that the
Windows Genuine Advantage Tool was a "critical" update. Microsoft made
BILLIONS with pre XP and no activation or becoming "genuine". I, for
some reason, felt insulted to have to prove not once, not twice, but
three times that I paid for my copy of XP.
You should try Linux.

More people are and I can say I haven't really had a problem with Ubuntu
since I started using it in Dec. 2006.
One side note: you have be smarter than the chair your fat ass sits in
to use it.

The nymshifter isn't smart enough to use Windows or Linux.

Bill said:
HA HA HA - Many others know what a lying sack of donkey dung you really
are. You use Ubuntu yet you can't go to the Ubuntu forum to help those
sorry sacks.

You have to troll here because you have no clue how your INFERIOR OS
really works. What a ****ed up loser. BY the way, how is that
imaginary $14k a week you claim to get from the tooth fairy?

Investing in velvet paintings of dogs playing poker?

Translation: you're lying again because I called you on the erroneous
advice you gave.

Colin Barnhorst said:
If the mobo is a repair replacement (meaning the same model etc) then it
should just work. If the mobo is a an upgrade replacement (latest and
greatest, etc) then the system should search for new drivers when you
first turn it on. If your copy of Vista is OEM (preinstalled by the
computer manufacturer) then you may not be able to activate the old copy
of Vista.

What is the computer? did Vista come preinstalled,?and what kind of
replacement are you doing?

This is a 2 year old Asus MB: M2N32-SLI. Long story: The sound chip isn't
letting me record anything, so Asus wants to replace the MB. This is about
the 5th replacement, so I know this is going to leave me without a computer
for probably 3-4 weeks. So, I want to get a either a backup or a
replacement MB. Since Asus has stuck with me through this, I'm going to
stay with them, so I am looking at their current lineup, which doesn't
include the M2N32. So, I'm looking for something I can move my parts (SATA,
PCI-Express, DDR2 memory, etc., to the new/replacement MB.

I got Vista Ultimate as an OEM version. I have already done a MB switch
with Vista two years ago, but I am concerned about how much mercy they are
showing these days. After all, sometimes you have to change out parts.

With what I said here, I don't think I'm looking for what you described as
"latest and greatest" because I should be able to go with the same drivers.
I'm thinking that--other than Vista--I should be able to just change MBs.

Alias said:
There's no such thing as a safe hamlet, village, town or city in


You sure have reading comprehension problems. I said "one of the
safest". Of course there will always be crime but I never said it was
"safe" you idiot. No wonder you use Ubuntu, you have limited reasoning
Bill said:
You sure have reading comprehension problems. I said "one of the
safest". Of course there will always be crime but I never said it was
"safe" you idiot. No wonder you use Ubuntu, you have limited reasoning

Oh, so it's the safest but not safe? Isn't that what I said in my
clarification of your dumb statement?

John explained :
This is a 2 year old Asus MB: M2N32-SLI. Long story: The sound chip isn't
letting me record anything, so Asus wants to replace the MB. This is about
the 5th replacement, so I know this is going to leave me without a computer
for probably 3-4 weeks. So, I want to get a either a backup or a replacement
MB. Since Asus has stuck with me through this, I'm going to stay with them,
so I am looking at their current lineup, which doesn't include the M2N32.
So, I'm looking for something I can move my parts (SATA, PCI-Express, DDR2
memory, etc., to the new/replacement MB.
I got Vista Ultimate as an OEM version. I have already done a MB switch with
Vista two years ago, but I am concerned about how much mercy they are showing
these days. After all, sometimes you have to change out parts.
With what I said here, I don't think I'm looking for what you described as
"latest and greatest" because I should be able to go with the same drivers.
I'm thinking that--other than Vista--I should be able to just change MBs.

A suggestion:

If you have and can get to a free slot, you could just replace the
sound card and disable the one on the MB. Otherwise, you could buy a
USB sound 'card' (and give up a USB port).
whs said:
I would ask Asus for a mail confirming that the mobo change was
required. Then you have something in writing that you can show the MS

Will NOT be necessary.
Mr.Pancks said:
I doubt they know what RAID is.
They'll say "We don't sell bug spray"

Why should I need to re-activate when not a single piece of hardware
If they wanna waste my time, I'll kick 'em to the curb.

Since it occurred during a change from RAID to non-RAID, not too far-

You would think that.
You think using a mouse makes you a consultant.

Billing clients and providing valuable software solutions makes me a
client. Trying to figure out the left and right mouse buttons makes you
busy all day.

Surprised you figured out SeaMonkey.

Then you have a simple brain.

Your half way too Linux.

Nope. Will most likely NOT use Linux. I need my software programs to
run. Linux doesn't run the software that I need so it is worth exactly
what you pay for it: NOTHING.

You'll convert soon.

NOPE. I get Windows and my Microsoft software for free. No need to
Is my hair messy?
Ask your Sheep.
Alias said:
I first thought of going to Linux after Microsoft LIED and said that the
Windows Genuine Advantage Tool was a "critical" update. Microsoft made
BILLIONS with pre XP and no activation or becoming "genuine". I, for
some reason, felt insulted to have to prove not once, not twice, but
three times that I paid for my copy of XP.

More people are and I can say I haven't really had a problem with Ubuntu
since I started using it in Dec. 2006.

The nymshifter isn't smart enough to use Windows or Linux.

Shows what a lying sack of shit you are.

I tried Linux. It sux. Doesn't run the programs I need. Linux is

I make a six figure income (to the left of the decimal point in case you
are wondering) using Windows products. Pretty smart if you ask me.

But I don't make the $14k a week you Claim to get from the tooth fairy.
Bill said:
Billing clients and providing valuable software solutions makes me a
client. Trying to figure out the left and right mouse buttons makes you
busy all day.

Oops. My fingers typed so fast I ****ed up my previous statement. I
meant to say consultant instead of client. I re-read the post and
started laughing.

Sometimes things just get ****ed up. :-)
Mr.Pancks said:
Bill Yanaire wrote:
You bill yourself?
Self fulfilling prophesy?

Most people don't directly buy the OS they use.
Whether you use linux or not won't deter too many people.

Actually, by using linux, I am safe from the idiots who develop Windows

You are probably not smart enough to run the software I write.

Since its free, it has no value nor use by your own definition.

The software from Microsoft is not free. I get it for free because my
clients pay for it. Understand? I'll bet you are scratching your head
on that one.
I don't know where to find them.

Look for the Sheep under your blanket.
Mr.Pancks said:
I can run imaginary software with the best of 'em.

Yes I sure you and Alias can run many imaginary companies. I, on the other hand do very
well writing custom software. You don't want to believe it. No big deal. I still get paid.

Why do I care?
Linux is free cause others pay, donate, volunteer their time.
End result is the same.

Only a dead cat.

Look further down, you will see the Sheep.