RF said:
I am thinking about replacing my home built pc with a smaller laptop, (in
effort to help save my marriage). I figure the convenience and portability
will make it worth it. I am not in to gaming, but think that it would make
nice little dvd player at work. Has anyone else done this? Do you have
regrets? I am looking at spending a grand, and would like a nice display
possibe, I have seen some nice refurbs at Tigerdirect.com.
Any advice would sure be appreciated
Well let's see:
- TigerDirect? That's my first home for purchasing online. BUT, also
consider HP's
http://www.shopping.hp.com/ for some other good deals. You
can even customize your purchase as I did myself.
- I got my HP Pavilion Notebook from the HP online store. Awesome PC and it
certainly outdoes my desktop. BUT, IF/When you order online, don't forgot
about weight consideration. This sucker's heavy! Too much so for me to lug
around on foot. But I was so happy with it that the idea of returning it was
not up for consideration. So be sure to pass by a local store and feel some
out in person before ordering anything online. Anyhow, I travel mostly by
car these days so the subject's moot now.
- Someone else's post mentioned a router. Yup! Be sure to take this into
consideration. I'm so very very happy being able to connect to my other PC
and the Internet from anywhere in my house with my Notebook because of this.
'and it communicates quite nicely with my desktop for the sake of
transferring files without having to write to disc and such.
- Regarding display. I've got a 15.4 inch with Bright View technology
(whatever the heck that is). Anyhow, the display is to die for! Though, a
smaller display should do you just as well and might've done me better for
the sake of cutting down on weight. But I'm still in love with this
- Upgrading in the future: Nothing cheaper thus far than upgrading a desktop
as opposed to a notebook. SO, think about this and make sure you've chosen
the right notebook that'll last you awhile and keep you happy since it'll be
very expensive to make any additions/upgrades to it at a later date.
Sorry for my lengthy post but got caught up in talking about my own notebook
for the very first time.
It's like falling in love all over again!!!