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Terry, <[email protected]>, the elderly, crappy idiot, and person who
makes a living selling tannery remnants, puled:

Yes and you top-posting while the context is bottom-posted would be
more akin to a heart surgeon going in through your rectum.

That shows how much you don't ****ing know, eh, you dumb ****. Some heart
surgery, and even certain types of brain surgery, is carried out via probes
up the ****ing arse. Get your facts right before you make ****witted
statements in a blind effort to look smart otherwise you do what you did
just now... make yourself look like the ****witted, uneducated pillock that
you are.
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A heart surgeon can fit up a rectum? How so?

Only if they are far smaller than average. And why on EARTH is this
being cross posted?
- --
David Wade Hagar AKA Cyclops

"It's sick, but it serves a purpose." - Bill Cosby
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Cyclops, <[email protected]>, the pesky, cockeyed ferret, and employee
of the local clergy who goes from house to house reading parts of the bible
to try and encourage people to attend church, murmured:

And why on EARTH is this
being cross posted?

Well, you ****ing crossposted that, so you tell me, you completely stupid
On Thu, 30 Dec 2004 23:19:59 +0000, "Brian S. Craigie"
Yes, you are right. People who post at the bottom are a real pain.
Posting at the top is the majority preferred default worldwide.

Rubbish. The usenet standard is context-quotage; top posting is an
MSware convention, but it's not a world-wide standard.

The real PITA isn't so much top, middle or bottom posting, but failure
to edit (reduce) the quoted material. That seems to be a bigger
problem with top posters.

------------------------ ---- --- -- - - - -
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet?
Yes, you are right. People who post at the bottom are a real pain.
Posting at the top is the majority preferred default worldwide.

Usenet was around long before MS ever thought about the internet and
Posting at the bottom permitted proper reading of any post. Posting in-
line or at the bottom has ALWAYS been the norm and proper when using
Usenet (you can check yourself, just search google for Usenet Eticate).

When MS made it possible for Outlook Express to access Usenet servers
the bastardization of posting became an epidemic - using a email program
for Usenet is just bad news for most people.

While the MS groups are mainly following any form of posting, the vast
majority of Usenet is still setup for doing a proper reply by snipping
the non-relevant parts and adding the reply at the bottom of the post.
On Thu, 30 Dec 2004 23:58:12 +0000, "Brian S. Craigie"
Seeing the person's response immediately "in your face" must surely be
preferable to scrolling down to the bottom of a long post to find the

It goes about the complexity of the answer, really.

If the reply isn't related to any particular part of the quoted post,
then for that reply, top or bottom is much the same. And I agree, I'd
rather see that reply "in my face" than have to scroll down.

Where things go sour, is when that reply is itself replied to. In
really busy newsgroups, one often loses posts and enters a thread
midway through - and in that situation, it's far easier to read from
the beginning to the end, rather than latest to oldest.

With complex replies, I prefer context quoting, as I'm doing here. It
allows one's comments to be linked to specific parts of the quoted
material, and with the sort of complex stuff we see here - details of
troubleshooting, etc. - that clarity can be essential.
Perhaps bottom posters are using a different newsreader that
jumps to the bottom of the post?

Some news editors situate the edit point at the top, others at the
bottom. Free Agent (what I use) starts at the top, but I move down.

What's really annoying is where posters don't trim quoted material at
all, possibly out of laziness. Posters who are *that* lazy are
unlikely to move the edit position at all; they just start typing
wherever it happens to be - and I think this is what has given
top-posters a really bad name; not so much that they top post, but
that they don't trim the quoted material (which can be large).

------------------------ ---- --- -- - - - -
A. Top posters ;-)
Q. What's the most annoying thing on Usenet?
Leythos said:
Usenet was around long before MS ever thought about the internet and
Posting at the bottom permitted proper reading of any post. Posting in-
line or at the bottom has ALWAYS been the norm and proper when using
Usenet (you can check yourself, just search google for Usenet Eticate).

Your search - "Usenet Eticate" - did not match any documents.

- Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
- Try different keywords.
- Try more general keywords.

To paraphrase:
I'm right and you're wrong. And here's proof...and that's wrong too...
Don't you just love the web...