The only caution is Do Not Create web or subwebs under IIS w/ spaces or
punctuation in the subweb name
as in "My Site"
SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| IT DID!! Thank you so much for sticking with me on this one - wow...what
| learning curve! LOL.... I created a website on /localhost/ and then
| it - went to open it and rather than list LOCALHOST under My Network
| Places - it lists (webfolder) My Site on localhost
| is that ok/correct?
| If so...I'm doing a jig and going to get a glass of wine and go sit in
| sukkah and rejoice!!! LOL
| Pam
| message | > Try changing http://<-nohost->/mysite to
http://localhost/mysite and
| > if it will let you create a new subweb.
| >
| > --
| >
| > ~ Kathleen Anderson
| > Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| > Spider Web Woman Designs
| > web:
| >
| >
| > | >> Yes, I got it - thanks
| >>
| >> ok.....I have installed everything as it was ordered....
| >>
| >> now...when I open fp2003 and click file/new/onepage web .... the
| >> option shows: http://<-nohost->/mysite
| >>
| >> I've never seen this before....the only other option if I click the
| >> downarrow is c:\Documents and Settings\Owner.Pamela\My Documents\My
| >>
| >> why does it say do I change that - should I change it?
| >> shouldn't it say localhost? When I click on File / Open Site and
| >> choose My Network Places, it lists: Entire Network ... My
Websites on
| >> MSN .... there is NO LOCALHOST??
| >>
| >> I feel like I'm in the same dark hole as before.......
| >>
| >> is this just a lost cause and I need to just forget it or is there
| >> light yet??
| >>
| >> Pam
| >> | >>> Kathleen gave you the installation order in this thread. If it
| >>> rebooting, it'll tell you.
| >>> --
| >>> Tom Willett
| >>> Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| >>> FrontPage Support:
| >>> ----------
| >>> | >>>> didn't see this message show up - so am sending it again -
| >>>>
| >>>> no they wouldn't give it to me - but I found it on my computer - so
| >>>> evidently I had saved it a long time ago -
| >>>>
| >>>> I have fpse02_8x_ENG ver 5.02920.0
| >>>> fpse 1001
| >>>> fpse 1002
| >>>> officeexp-kb813380-client-eng
| >>>>
| >>>> is this all I need? and then if so, what order to install - and do
| >>>> reboot
| >>>> or anything after each one - thanks!
| >>>>
| >>>> ps......I've since bought a new computer ... gateway xp media
| >>>> edition version 2002 sp 2; I would like to set up fp correctly -
| >>>> although it had a trial copy of Office on it - I've installed the
| >>>> 5.1 that came with the system - when I type in
http://localhost -
| >>>> goes to the localstart.asp page so it looks like its insalled ok -
| >>>> got fp 2003 installed - have downloaded expression but haven't
| >>>> installed it yet (but have installed the netframework 2.0 as it
| >>>> directed. Now am waiting to hear from someone whether I should
| >>>> the 2002 se first before installing expression....and if so far I'm
| >>>> doing this right.
| >>>>
| >>>> thanks
| >>>> pam
| >>>>
| >>>> "Kathleen Anderson [MVP - FrontPage]" <
[email protected]>
| >>>> in message | >>>>> Do you have fpse02_x86_ENG ? Were you able to get it from
| >>>>> Support?
| >>>>>
| >>>>> --
| >>>>>
| >>>>> ~ Kathleen Anderson
| >>>>> Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| >>>>> Spider Web Woman Designs
| >>>>> web:
| >>>>>
| >>>>>
| >>>>> | >>>>>> ok, I just found it - and downloaded it - so to make sure - I
| >>>>>> each in the order you gave? anything need to be open/closed
ect??? do
| >>>>>> I do anything after each installation ??
| >>>>>>
| >>>>>> thanks
| >>>>>> "Kathleen Anderson [MVP - FrontPage]" <
[email protected]>
| >>>>>> in message | >>>>>>> No. You need fpse02_x86_ENG first, then fpse1001, then fpse1002,
| >>>>>>> then
| >>>>>>> officexp-kb813380 client-eng, then officexp-kb911831-client-ENu
| >>>>>>>
| >>>>>>> --
| >>>>>>>
| >>>>>>> ~ Kathleen Anderson
| >>>>>>> Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| >>>>>>> Spider Web Woman Designs
| >>>>>>> web:
| >>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>
| >>>>>>> | >>>>>>>>I just found some files under my frontpage folder that I'm
| >>>>>>>>if these are the 2002 extensions that I'm looking for?
| >>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>> there are 3 of them - fpse 1001 fpse 10002 and one called
| >>>>>>>> officexp-kb813380 client-eng
| >>>>>>>> I also have a folder (think its zipped) that says
| >>>>>>>> iis_admin_controlpanel_version 1 ... not sure if I need this
| >>>>>>>> though
| >>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>> anyway - do you recognize the above and is this what I need?
| >>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>> pam
| >>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>> "Kathleen Anderson [MVP - FrontPage]" <
[email protected]>
| >>>>>>>> wrote in message | >>>>>>>>> Pam:
| >>>>>>>>> Please call them back and tell them you need the FPSE 2002 for
| >>>>>>>>> reinstall. There is no charge. If you are told the same thing
| >>>>>>>>> before, please try and get the name of person who tells you
| >>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>> --
| >>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>> ~ Kathleen Anderson
| >>>>>>>>> Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| >>>>>>>>> Spider Web Woman Designs
| >>>>>>>>> web:
| >>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>> | >>>>>>>>>> Well, I just got off the phone with the #800 that they
post - of
| >>>>>>>>>> course he took all my info and then told me that in order to
| >>>>>>>>>> rectify this 'problem' I would have to talk to a tech expert
| >>>>>>>>>> it would cost $35 ... so unless you know something that I
| >>>>>>>>>> find out - please share!
| >>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>> Pam
| >>>>>>>>>> "Kathleen Anderson [MVP - FrontPage]"
[email protected]>
| >>>>>>>>>> wrote in message
| >>>>>>>>>>> This is a no-fee call.
| >>>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>>> --
| >>>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>>> ~ Kathleen Anderson
| >>>>>>>>>>> Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| >>>>>>>>>>> Spider Web Woman Designs
| >>>>>>>>>>> web:
| >>>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>>> | >>>>>>>>>>>> thanks - giving them a call - wonder how much they are
going to
| >>>>>>>>>>>> charge for it!
| >>>>>>>>>>>> | >>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Pam (and Rob). This is the official statement from
| >>>>>>>>>>>>> Microsoft about that.
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>>>>> -----------
| >>>>>>>>>>>>> "The FrontPage Server Extensions 2002 web download is not
| >>>>>>>>>>>>> available anymore from the Microsoft web sites. This is
due to
| >>>>>>>>>>>>> the fact that the mainstream support for FrontPage Server
| >>>>>>>>>>>>> Extensions 2002 web download which follows the Office
| >>>>>>>>>>>>> XP/FrontPage 2002 life cycle expired on 7/11/2006. The
| >>>>>>>>>>>>> following article explains the timelines:
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>>>>> However, we understand that customers might need this
| >>>>>>>>>>>>> in situations where existing FPSE2002 installations are
| >>>>>>>>>>>>> hampered in one way or the other. Considering this, it may
| >>>>>>>>>>>>> possible to obtain this download for reinstallation
| >>>>>>>>>>>>> only if you call MS support."
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>>>>> | >>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm so hoping someone that has it will send it to me

| >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ..I've looked all over the net and do NOT find it
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Rob Giordano (Crash)" <
[email protected]>
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote in message
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>> | >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> slightly ot;
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so what are people like Pam gonna do without the FP2002
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> extensions now that
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they are not downloadable, if they didn't save a copy
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> previously?
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | If you have a need to use the server extensions on
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> local machine,
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yes,
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | you should have ticked it. Not SMTP or FTP.
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | --
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | ===
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Tom Willett
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | ---
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | FrontPage Support:
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | ===
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> message
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ||I did a search to see if I needed to do anything
special -
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and found this
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> || page that also says I need to install mysql and php
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ||
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ||
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> || I'm downloading that now (and vaguely remember
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this) - but first
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> || just installed IIS - windows components/ - ticked
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hit details -
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> || clicked on common files/ IIS snap in and world wide
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> service / details
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> || for www service and then checked printers virtual
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> directory (already
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> || checked) and www service/ ok and then ok and it
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> installed IIS - but I'm
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> || wondering should I have ticked the FP 2000 server
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> extension or the smtp
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> || ftp service??
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ||
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> || thanks
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> || Pam
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> || | >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> || >I prefer to install IIS first and then the products
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you can install
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | in
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> || >after if you'd like.
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> || >
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> || >
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> message
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> || >
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> || >>I had to reformat my hard drive and am in the
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of reinstalling
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> || >>programs - I have downloaded the expression beta
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> version and need to
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | know
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> || >>if I should install the IIS components from the cd
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> before I install fp
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | or
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> || >>expression?
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> || >>
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> || >> thanks for a quick answer
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> || >>
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> || >> Pam
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> || >>
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> || >
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> || >
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ||
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ||
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>
| >>>>>>>
| >>>>>>
| >>>>>>
| >>>>>
| >>>>>
| >>>>
| >>>>
| >>>
| >>>
| >>
| >>
| >
| >