Registry cleaner ?

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At the risk of being accused of continuing this discussion I offer the
On 1-11-2010 at 5:39PM Twayne stated 'there are sound technical reasons to
a registry cleaner'. When asked to provide just one, he refuses just as he
all the posters who have damaged their system by running a registry cleaner.
I believe these discussions are important so as to prevent the likes of
from misleading new users of PCs..
Shenan Stanley said:
I have never once, in at least 5 years, seen you respond to
someone who posted the damage done to
his/her machine by a registry cleaner. You conveniently ignore
them. Then, you severely criticize some who
says registry cleaners are 'snakeoil'. Why are you so two faced? Do
you work for the 'snakeoil' developers?
Well, you'd better go look again. Or put your glasses on. I don't
offer answers to someone if I don't know the answer. But I DO
address your misinformation. K? And, I'm clear about what I'm
doing. You've missed a lot of posts in 5 years.
You never offered answers to someone who damaged their
system by a registry cleaner because you don't know the
answer? Then why do you push them? And you say "I'm
clear about what I'm doing"

Are you mentally handicapped?
Prove I never offered answers.

Seriously? That's the responses and what this has come to?

You want proof you never did something instead of providing proof you did
something at least a single time which completely resolves that argument?

Go ahead - you can answer that you shouldn't have to prove anything and
stomp your feet and hold your breath and turn blue - because that is what
this conversation has [de]evolved to - or you could prove yourself and
give one link, one solitary web link to one time where you, and I will
quote "unknown" here, "offered answers to someone who damaged their system
by a registry cleaner".

In the whole 'registry cleaner' argument - I could care less in the end.
If someone has the skills to use something and know which things are
useful as tools vs. those that are not - more power to them. If someone
does not and they decide to dive headfirst into something they don't
understand and end up drowning - more power to them. Doesn't matter if it
is registry cleaners, registry editors, antimalware applications,
antivirus applications, duplicate file finders, random advice from people
they do not know or whatever - if someone is willing to do it - I am not
going to stand in their way. I will give them my experience and I will
warn them that if they are not truly prepared - things can and likely will
go wrong (get worse.)

However - stop right there - I do not care - it's their decision. I will
not push them into anything overly complicated or that should not be done
without precise instructions followed to the letter or things could go
wrong. I am careful about what I ask people to do to their system -
keeping it simple and understanding that sometimes - it is better to teach
someone how to backup and go to an expert than how to start going through
something they may never understand and might slip up on - especially
given it is seldom an 'end-of-the-world/last-hope-of-success' scenario.

In any case - I digressed - back to the only reason I responded. This is
why these posts get so long and how come it usually ends up just a couple
of people left in them (usually the same people over and over) - it breaks
down to playground (under the age of 8) antics and taunts. "I know you
are, but what am I?" and instead of one or the other producing the
obvious, easy and simple solution that could end one thread of the
conversation - it continues to break down with, "I'm rubber and you're

Twayne, if you want to end that part of the discussion - once and for
all - give the single link to answer the question. One Google Groups link
or Microsoft Social link or whatever. That's all it takes to counter a
'never' - just one. Take the high road. You may think, might even say
(maybe not now that I mention it), I don't have to prove anything (it's a
matter of principle, whatever...) and you may be right - but it takes only
one to oust a 'never' argument. Failure to produce that one is not the
best response unless you stop responding ever again and just ignore the
other (even then - it doesn't produce the true results you might desire.)


In the end - I still do not care. It's a newsgroup argument over
something petty and that didn't matter 20 years ago and might not matter
20 years from now. It's just something to do to fill the gap of time
between now and then. ;-P
He is in the very lowest of minority since he states there are 'sound
technical reasons
for running a registry cleaner'.
A PC INOPERABLE.. -- Verification---you ignore each one

You have not been plonked yet, so YOU give me a solid example.
Toilet Toilet couldn't.
I never once (go back and read) claimed anything of the
sort. Don't say it's incumbant

on me
because it is you pushing registry cleaners contrary to all
the MVPs (and many others advice) .

Heh heh.


There are only two classifications of disk drives: Broken drives
and those that will break later.
- Chuck Armstrong (This one I think,,
not the ball player. But who knows. I can't remember where I got
the quote. But it's true.)
You and Twayne are exactly like Laurel and Hardy. Which one
of you is Hardy is debatable

Both L. and H. were geniuses. Only one suffered from depression,

There are only two classifications of disk drives: Broken drives
and those that will break later.
- Chuck Armstrong (This one I think,,
not the ball player. But who knows. I can't remember where I got
the quote. But it's true.)
lol, it's interesting to see just how long you dummies will continue with

Unknown said:
There you go again! You just stated 'there are sound technical
reasons'--- I ask for one and you twist and turn.

OK; go read ANY reliable registry cleaner's pages, look them up in the rags
& mags, etc.; there are thousands of resources available to those not too
lazy to look. If you want to argue a point, bring up something that opposes
it; don't just sit there and whine.
A PC INOPERABLE.. -- Verification---you ignore each one posted.

You are a looonnnnngggg ways from being a reliable, technically oriented
explanation of what's wrong with 'them'! If what you say is true, then HOW?
WHEN? Under what circumstances? You do nothing but whine and cry. My
current para stands.
I never once (go back and read) claimed anything of the sort. Don't
say it's incumbant on me

Well, I will say it's incumbant on YOU. That para also stands since I've
previously presented the closed minds with plenty of info and that "other"
camp, which includes you, has NEVER made a single bit of technical
information to support your ignorant claims. Millions of users disagree with
you. You said they're no good; so it IS incumbant upon YOU to back it up
logically and sensibly. So follow through or shut up are you only two
logical choices. I know; you have no such thing to support your claims.
You're not the first spewer to not know what you're talking about.
because it is you pushing registry cleaners contrary to all the MVPs
(and many others advice) .

Show me where I have ever PUSHED registry cleaners. And it's not CONTRARY to
"all the MVPs". There are a lot of them who understand, know what the real
world is, and prefer to abide by their rules as set forth when they are
deemed an MVP yearly. Not counting the imposters, BTW, of which there are
still several flopping around in here.
Once again, each and every time someone posts the damage caused by
running a registry
cleaner you completely ignore it.

If I ignored it, then how did I know about it? Kinda stupid.

Did you read John Johns recent
post? You ignored it!

Yep, I read it. So what?
What the he-- are you a registry cleaner salesman?

If I was, don't you think I'd spam about which one it was? I don't, and
never will because I'd much rather depend on my own research results and
long experience with such apps and many others.
Like I've said many times I am a person who refutes misinformation for the
benefit of the less experienced, and in general when I have the time enjoy
exposing the idiots for who they are and specifically what their
misinformation is. At one time, when they first started spewing this
garbage, I was ignorant enough myself to wonder, and I politely inquired of
them about where I could read more about it so I could bring myself more up
to date. There were, at that point, NO responses, and then to another such
post later on, one supposed MVP actually said I had to believe him "because
he said it was so"! It was shortly after that where the MVP status and use
began to get really shabby and unreliable world-wide and the point where I
initiated my own research and proved them all to be 100% wrong when they
said ALL registry cleaners were "snake oil" and the like.

There are three classes of MVPs: Idiots like you who love to parrot without
knowing anything about it, fakes and imposters, and then the "real" ones who
work hard at answering questions and assisting those who have questions and
are asking for assistance. The latter does not include you.

You know ... if even half of your little lying clique fully believed your
own spew, you would never install a program that places anything in the
registry. Even MS screws things up often enough, so if you had any real
point, you wouldn't be using such things. You'd all still be back in VB6
looking for apps. Hmm, maybe youare, I can 't really know just how stupid
you could be/get.

Ahh, there we go: A poster who wishes to be taken seriously simply resorts
to namecalling and nothing else. Let's see YOU do something to clear up the
matters here. You've taken the "snake oil" pledge in the past, so maybe YOU
have some actual resources that are more than anecdotal.
You really lower yourself when you do that; if you care about your rep
that is.



thanatoid said:
Both L. and H. were geniuses. Only one suffered from depression,

Just watched a documentary on them I got from Netflix. Interesting stuff.
Actually, they were a pretty popular and much loved pair in the heyday.
If they weren't so far ahead of their times they'd have died with monstrous


Unknown said:
Yep, you are very, very dense. Comparing a registry cleaner with
defrag? Good grief.

Nah, not at all. They make excellent analogies since registry cleaners are
the ONLY thing they've singled out.
Unknown said:
He is in the very lowest of minority since he states there are 'sound
technical reasons
for running a registry cleaner'.

Oh yeah? Let's see you provide ANYTHING to support that. You can't. It
makes for another lie on YOUr part, however.


Shenan Stanley said:

Seriously? That's the responses and what this has come to?

You want proof you never did something instead of providing proof you
did something at least a single time which completely resolves that
Go ahead - you can answer that you shouldn't have to prove anything
and stomp your feet and hold your breath and turn blue - because that
is what this conversation has [de]evolved to - or you could prove
yourself and give one link, one solitary web link to one time where
you, and I will quote "unknown" here, "offered answers to someone who
damaged their system by a registry cleaner".

In the whole 'registry cleaner' argument - I could care less in the
end. If someone has the skills to use something and know which
things are useful as tools vs. those that are not - more power to
them. If someone does not and they decide to dive headfirst into
something they don't understand and end up drowning - more power to
them. Doesn't matter if it is registry cleaners, registry editors,
antimalware applications, antivirus applications, duplicate file
finders, random advice from people they do not know or whatever - if
someone is willing to do it - I am not going to stand in their way. I will
give them my experience and I will warn them that if they are
not truly prepared - things can and likely will go wrong (get worse.)

However - stop right there - I do not care - it's their decision. I
will not push them into anything overly complicated or that should
not be done without precise instructions followed to the letter or
things could go wrong. I am careful about what I ask people to do to
their system - keeping it simple and understanding that sometimes -
it is better to teach someone how to backup and go to an expert than
how to start going through something they may never understand and
might slip up on - especially given it is seldom an
'end-of-the-world/last-hope-of-success' scenario.
In any case - I digressed - back to the only reason I responded. This is
why these posts get so long and how come it usually ends up
just a couple of people left in them (usually the same people over
and over) - it breaks down to playground (under the age of 8) antics
and taunts. "I know you are, but what am I?" and instead of one or
the other producing the obvious, easy and simple solution that could
end one thread of the conversation - it continues to break down with,
"I'm rubber and you're glue..."
Twayne, if you want to end that part of the discussion - once and for
all - give the single link to answer the question. One Google Groups
link or Microsoft Social link or whatever. That's all it takes to
counter a 'never' - just one. Take the high road. You may think,
might even say (maybe not now that I mention it), I don't have to
prove anything (it's a matter of principle, whatever...) and you may
be right - but it takes only one to oust a 'never' argument. Failure
to produce that one is not the best response unless you stop
responding ever again and just ignore the other (even then - it
doesn't produce the true results you might desire.)

In the end - I still do not care. It's a newsgroup argument over
something petty and that didn't matter 20 years ago and might not
matter 20 years from now. It's just something to do to fill the gap
of time between now and then. ;-P


While I laud you for a very sensible post and don't disagree directly at all
with anything in it, and I do recall where you stand (but it's irrelevent to
this post), I'll offer the following excuses (only) as an FYI:

-- I don't hide of change nicks; so it's easy to bypass my posts.
-- I despise misinformation particularly when it's relayed to the uniniated
and inexperienced user.
-- Long ago I actually asked these guys (don't recall you being here at that
time; not sure) to further explain their reasoning in order to better
educate myself. I've noticed at least three such attempts in my archives.
The first time got no responses. The second time there was a restatement of
their "opinion". The third time I actually have a mail that says I should
believe them because he "told me so" as an MVP.
It was at that point I began my research and kept logs permanently, all
archived. Their arguements today, of the initiators, are unchanged from the
initial ones except it took the one a few months to discover his favorite
descriptor. Then the originator and a couple others started using
boilerplate responses, to which I addressed each one I came across.
-- I disappear at times, simply because I get busy and no time for such
foolishness and only bother to read actual responses from those I know have
the wherewithal, OR I occasionally don't even have time for the computer for
anything more than business reasons.
-- I NEVER initiate the topics with one exception in time when I posted a
few links to relevant data for some newbies I knew were following the
-- I NEVER initiate a new e-mail advancing or otherwise extolling the
virtues of any apps.
-- I do derive a certain amount of entertainment from watching them squirm
like fish on a drydock as they attempt to convince me otherwise or
occasionally to maintain their credibility.
-- I NEVER target MVPs; the get the same treatment as anyone else with the
exception that I may mention occasionally that they should know better and
may need to read their status requirements and how they achieved their
status. The bast majority of MVPs I know are excellent and really know their
stated areas well. It's only a tiny, very small group who like to call this
home who are problematic. I've avoided ever including any negative comments
about them, or anything at all, really, that could be tracked to an MVP. I
know what that can do to a group and though it's gotten strained the last
few years, there are still several excellent MVPs operating.
-- I NEVER do searched to locate the other haunts of the miscreants spewing
misinformation. I only respond to such crap if/when I come across it.
-- On this group at least, I find the largest assembly of closed minds and
the most ignorance professed by them of any other group or site I visit.
Thus, they are worthy of being called out and exposed.
-- And of course, when time permits, it is entertaining to watch them squirm
and to see just how long they'll continue a thread that no one is reading
any longer.

So, while I do apologize to you and the others whom I'm sure are sick of it
too, I'll keep responding to the misinformation .
At the same time I DID hear you, and because it's rather boring at the
moment, I've spent way too much time with a thread that no longer has any
semblence to its original purpose. This one became so automatic to me I
continued on past the point of relevence to the misinformation. For that I
sincerely apologize, and will pay more attention in the future.
However, I will still continue to expose misinformationists and those who
may attempt to in any way pursuade people to not believe the truth in spirit
if not in words.

Unknown said:
At the risk of being accused of continuing this discussion I offer the
On 1-11-2010 at 5:39PM Twayne stated 'there are sound technical
reasons to run
a registry cleaner'. When asked to provide just one, he refuses just
as he ignores
all the posters who have damaged their system by running a registry
cleaner. I believe these discussions are important so as to prevent
the likes of Twayne
from misleading new users of PCs..

Nice mislead, but still wrong, no matter how it's formatted. Most people can
make up their own minds, unlike you. It's obvious and easy to find the
technical reasons for using registry cleaners if you'd bother to so much as
even try to look. Had a newbie and not your idiotness asked the question
I'd have responded in kind, with links and everything. But for you, there
is no accounting for you and it'd be nothing but a waste of time. Oh, and
don't try posing; it si extremely unlikely to work no matter how hard you

Shenan Stanley said:
I have never once, in at least 5 years, seen you respond to
someone who posted the damage done to
his/her machine by a registry cleaner. You conveniently ignore
them. Then, you severely criticize some who
says registry cleaners are 'snakeoil'. Why are you so two faced? Do
you work for the 'snakeoil' developers?
Well, you'd better go look again. Or put your glasses on. I don't
offer answers to someone if I don't know the answer. But I DO
address your misinformation. K? And, I'm clear about what I'm
doing. You've missed a lot of posts in 5 years.
You never offered answers to someone who damaged their
system by a registry cleaner because you don't know the
answer? Then why do you push them? And you say "I'm
clear about what I'm doing"

Are you mentally handicapped?
Prove I never offered answers.

Seriously? That's the responses and what this has come to?

You want proof you never did something instead of providing proof
you did something at least a single time which completely resolves
that argument? Go ahead - you can answer that you shouldn't have to prove
and stomp your feet and hold your breath and turn blue - because
that is what this conversation has [de]evolved to - or you could
prove yourself and give one link, one solitary web link to one time
where you, and I will quote "unknown" here, "offered answers to
someone who damaged their system by a registry cleaner".

In the whole 'registry cleaner' argument - I could care less in the
end. If someone has the skills to use something and know which
things are useful as tools vs. those that are not - more power to
them. If someone does not and they decide to dive headfirst into
something they don't understand and end up drowning - more power to
them. Doesn't matter if it is registry cleaners, registry editors,
antimalware applications, antivirus applications, duplicate file
finders, random advice from people they do not know or whatever - if
someone is willing to do it - I am not going to stand in their way. I
will give them my experience and I will warn them that if they are
not truly prepared - things can and likely will go wrong (get worse.)

However - stop right there - I do not care - it's their decision. I
will not push them into anything overly complicated or that should
not be done without precise instructions followed to the letter or
things could go wrong. I am careful about what I ask people to do
to their system - keeping it simple and understanding that sometimes
- it is better to teach someone how to backup and go to an expert
than how to start going through something they may never understand
and might slip up on - especially given it is seldom an
'end-of-the-world/last-hope-of-success' scenario. In any case - I
digressed - back to the only reason I responded. This is why these posts
get so long and how come it usually ends up
just a couple of people left in them (usually the same people over
and over) - it breaks down to playground (under the age of 8) antics
and taunts. "I know you are, but what am I?" and instead of one or
the other producing the obvious, easy and simple solution that could
end one thread of the conversation - it continues to break down
with, "I'm rubber and you're glue..."

Twayne, if you want to end that part of the discussion - once and for
all - give the single link to answer the question. One Google
Groups link or Microsoft Social link or whatever. That's all it
takes to counter a 'never' - just one. Take the high road. You may
think, might even say (maybe not now that I mention it), I don't
have to prove anything (it's a matter of principle, whatever...) and
you may be right - but it takes only one to oust a 'never' argument.
Failure to produce that one is not the best response unless you stop
responding ever again and just ignore the other (even then - it
doesn't produce the true results you might desire.) *shrug*

In the end - I still do not care. It's a newsgroup argument over
something petty and that didn't matter 20 years ago and might not
matter 20 years from now. It's just something to do to fill the gap
of time between now and then. ;-P
You are absolutely correct. There is no way I can support that there are
sound technical reasons
for running a registry cleaner.
Twayne said:
However, I will still continue to expose misinformationists and those
who may attempt to in any way pursuade people to not believe the truth in
spirit if not in words.

There-in is your problem. You do not recognize or post the truth.

Tis a pity.