Speaking of a closed mind. You have been given
data from
a computer repair shop owner indicating the
hundreds of
computers he has repaired that was caused by a
cleaner'. Yet you refuse to accept that.
No, as a matter of fact, I have never seen any
such information here. Since you're obviously
talking about your friend Bruce: As for "a"
registry cleaner causing problems, sure, that's
entirely possible, but he's never said so and
never given anything at all to support his views.
Nada, zip, nothing.
I could probably download a few registry
cleaners right now that would cause problems, but
.... I could also download a LOT of other programs
too, that caused problems. As with anything else,
you have to consider the reputation and history of
the sites you download from. He has absolutely
no basis to state that no reg clnr ever does any
good and "all" will cause problems and "all" are
"snakeoil", which by the way is one of his
plagairisms. And so on.
Are you in the business of computer repair? Is
that why
you keep pushing registry cleaners?
Show me anywhere where I've "pushed" registry
cleaners: You cannot. I simply reply to his
misinformational statements. He tells a lie, I
correct it. It's that simple.
Perhaps YOU personally haven't been harmed by a
cleaner but what about the hundreds that have?
And how about the millions who have been "harmed"
by XP, or win98, or Linux, or whatever? My long
experience and related research has NEVER shown
any support for his claims and he has never backed
them up in any way.
Since I haven't had any cleaner problems on the
many machines I've owned and still own and
operate, plus the many I've serviced and worked
on, without ever a single problem, I'd say that's
a pretty good record, especially when you consider
the millions of people with the same experience
and who have read the same articles and white
papers on the subject.
You might do well to do the same thing yourself;
gather information on your own and learn about
what the situation really is. Stop allowing other
people to do your thinking for you. Even if you
believe what a person tells you, if you feel it's
important, you still should go out and
verify/clarify it for yourself. I imagine you're
too lazy to do that and need everything handed to
you, but you would come away from the experience
with a new appreciation for software authors and
what they can accomplish when they create well
written, well planned and executed code, of which
several registry cleaners and other programs show.
A few years back when I first came across
Brucie I thought he might be on to something. But
his refusal to support any of his claims even that
far back, and his increasing vehemence on the
subject opened the doors for me to recheck a lot
of my prior information and, when compared to my
own and several other's experiences, he came off
as a simple, purposely ignorant closed mind who
probably had ONE problem with ONE registry cleaner
and decided that they all were bad. His only
purpose is vengence, not to expose any relevant,
true information. So as long as he keeps posting
his erroneous crap and if I come across it, I will
expose it for the junk information it is and the
ignorant that he is.
So, I'm happy to say that now, since people are
almost afraid to mention a registry cleaner here,
they then will not be subjected to his trash, and
if they are, and he does it here or wherever I
might come across him, I'll continue to expose
You probably think this is a lot of text for such
a minor subject, but it's not. I'm a touch typist
and spit these things out quickly, nearly as fast
as I think the words. It's to the point now where
I actually enjoy exposing his misinformation so
it's not a job at all, but rather a labor of love
to see that accurate informaiton is protrayed
Cheers sock,