Reducing size of picture with NO reduction in quality??

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jo said:
We differ in prefs then. The OT heading lets people have a watch filter
on the original subject, and a kill filter on the sub-thread that is OT.

I wonder if anyone ever killfiles on [OT]?

On OT alone, as a global filter, I know I wouldn't use it. One reason
(besides that I'd be killfiling my own posts <g>), it's that many times
people start threads with that as in their subject, and their thread is
actually about freeware. As a part of subject filter string is where it
works well. eg "Watch subject download manager wanted" and "Ignore subject
"OT download manager wanted."
CoMa said:

Sure there is. You can save the file in PNG format. Or compressed TIF.
You can do this from, for example, Irfanview (or lots of other apps).

Unfortunately, you don't get much compression. It depends very much on
the image content, but a rought rule of thumb is 2 to 1 compression
for png.

(e-mail address removed):

I'd thought about changing that subject header, but an
appropriate rename had not come to mind. Sorry about that.
Means you got to put the very thread that you started into
the ignore filters... 8-o

Normally, I'd do that. However, I got a good reply several days
after the OPost. So, I'm still interested (hope dies last or
something like that). :)

(e-mail address removed):
Normally, I'd do that. However, I got a good reply several days
after the OPost. So, I'm still interested (hope dies last or
something like that). :)

The one about using hh.exe? I know that in viewer mode, hh.exe hosts
msie. For commandline extraction, it has dll dependencies, I thought,
but I've not specifically checked which ones.

There are other chm extractors, too. I could, if needed, take time to
make a list. (Not long back, I'd installed about five such utils.)

My reason for choosing chmdeco (istorage.exe) for recommendation
was because that was the one I was most confident about having full
independence from any msie system files. My other reason was because
I like it; it's small and fast, and does the fullest output.
(e-mail address removed):

The one about using hh.exe? I know that in viewer mode,
hh.exe hosts msie. For commandline extraction, it has dll
dependencies, I thought, but I've not specifically checked
which ones.

There are other chm extractors, too. I could, if needed,
take time to make a list. (Not long back, I'd installed
about five such utils.)

My reason for choosing chmdeco (istorage.exe) for
recommendation was because that was the one I was most
confident about having full independence from any msie
system files. My other reason was because I like it; it's
small and fast, and does the fullest output.

Yeah, chmedeco is a gem (self-contained, not messing w/ the
registry, ...). Unfortunately, it appears to have some
dependency on W95b. That box had IE eradicated (it never had
anything above 4.something).

Re: MSIE-independent CHM viewer or extractor

(e-mail address removed):
Yeah, chmedeco is a gem (self-contained, not messing w/ the
registry, ...). Unfortunately, it appears to have some
dependency on W95b. That box had IE eradicated (it never had
anything above 4.something).

Interesting. And bad news, then. If chmdeco fails, then I feel fairly
sure that any of the other ones I am familiar with would fail as well.

I've poked around on the links from the chmdeco page in the past...

I had the impression that as far as the independent directions there,
they concerned projects for other platforms, not Windows. Not that
I've investigated thoroughly. For instance, I do not know what this
one is about:

Oh, and, that one does link up eventually to one that explicitly mentions
chance of Windows compatibility.

But not easy. To even try, appears that you'd have to compile yourself. The
statement given is "Apparently xCHM even works if compiled under the Cygwin
environment in Windows."
(e-mail address removed):
Yeah, chmedeco is a gem (self-contained, not messing w/ the
registry, ...). Unfortunately, it appears to have some
dependency on W95b. That box had IE eradicated (it never had
anything above 4.something).

This is totally a far shot. But, here's the story. When I ran Filemon
during a decompile with chmdeco, I saw that shfolder.dll got into the
action. Shfolder.dll is an odd one, in that I regularly have programs
that get shipped with their own copy of this. The far shot: what would
happen if you put a late copy of shfolder.dll into the folder with chmdeco?
It might easily be that the version of shfolder.dll will only be worthless,
separated from its normal MSIE running mates. But it's a test that would
do no harm...
(e-mail address removed):

This is totally a far shot. But, here's the story. When I ran Filemon
during a decompile with chmdeco, I saw that shfolder.dll got into the
action. Shfolder.dll is an odd one, in that I regularly have programs
that get shipped with their own copy of this. The far shot: what would
happen if you put a late copy of shfolder.dll into the folder with chmdeco?
It might easily be that the version of shfolder.dll will only be worthless,
separated from its normal MSIE running mates. But it's a test that would
do no harm...

Cancel that!! I overlooked something very important in the Filemon log.
The ITSS.DLL file in the sysdir is being used. That library is integrated
into the system; it has its registry entries, and too I'd believe it's
interbound with msie system files.
<! major OT warning>

Bjorn Simonsen said:
Pivert wrote in said:
Much testosterone circulating [...]

Karen (omega) better give up on her bodybuilding I guess. :-o

Don't get scared, but... For a short while, I did in fact take a
testosterone-related supplement. DHEA. Affected my yin-yang balances.
I took it to deal with the blues after an affair ended, and the yang
shift helped. That stuff was a bit weird. There was a study (ok, a
"study," in quotes, because of the irresponsible character of so-called
"research" in that industry) that when women took DHEA, they had a
marked increase in sexual fantasies.

(Not up to digging for the original source, but here's a brief pitch
on DHEA. )

All right, I never tested it vs a good placebo, for kicking up those
hormones. I only used it briefly. And of course have never gone near
the real hormone drugs. (ie the ones that male weight lifters take,
which have the ironic result, after prolonged use, of both giving them
breasts -- plus shrinking the size in another part of their anatomy.)
(e-mail address removed):

This is totally a far shot. But, here's the story. When I
ran Filemon during a decompile with chmdeco, I saw that
shfolder.dll got into the action. Shfolder.dll is an odd
one, in that I regularly have programs that get shipped
with their own copy of this. The far shot: what would
happen if you put a late copy of shfolder.dll into the
folder with chmdeco? It might easily be that the version
of shfolder.dll will only be worthless, separated from its
normal MSIE running mates. But it's a test that would do
no harm...

Cancel that!! I overlooked something very important in the
Filemon log. The ITSS.DLL file in the sysdir is being used.
That library is integrated into the system; it has its
registry entries, and too I'd believe it's interbound with
msie system files.

Confirmed. I've copied ITSS.DLL and Shfolder.dll but something
is still missing. Oh well, I'll use sneaker net to the W98 box.
Thank you very much for your help.

(e-mail address removed):
Confirmed. I've copied ITSS.DLL and Shfolder.dll but something
is still missing.

You could "regsvr32 itss.dll", also copy companion files, such as
itircl.dll, etc... but I feel those efforts would still eventually
end at a wall of msie-related dependency. :/
Oh well, I'll use sneaker net to the W98 box.
Thank you very much for your help.

Probably there's hope in the ~future, where we'd learn of development
of a fully independent program for view or extract chm, which runs on
Windows. (Hopefully something direct too, where not have to compile
oneself, nor install Python, before even getting to step 1 of checking
Pivert said:
Foudn a tool with a 30-day trial period here :

Please please... it's a freeware group, then at least do the effort of
*searching* for freeware alternatives before you fart out all these
commercial alternatives!

There's a bunch of open source projects relating to bitmap-vector

I can also warmly suggest Inkscape (, which has a
bitmap tracing feature built-in, based on poTrace.

Kind regards,
(e-mail address removed):

You could "regsvr32 itss.dll", also copy companion files,
such as itircl.dll, etc... but I feel those efforts would
still eventually end at a wall of msie-related dependency.

Yes, it does look that way (copied itircl.dll, too). When I get
some time, I'll see what filemon shows on W98. Maybe.
Probably there's hope in the ~future, where we'd learn of
development of a fully independent program for view or
extract chm, which runs on Windows. (Hopefully something
direct too, where not have to compile oneself, nor install
Python, before even getting to step 1 of checking

Let's "cross our fingers."

I- said:

Others might have explained just why it is not possible, so the basic
answer is easy to understand herewith:

Decreasing the pixel dimensions requires that the original pixel
dimensions be sampled something less than every single pixel, perhaps
every other pixel, or every third pixel .. to result in products that
would be 1/2 or 1/3 the original width.

Decreasing the pixel dimensions to merely a little bit smaller,
requires sampling of the original (as an example) sample two pixels,
skip one, then sample the next three, skip one, sample two pixels,
skip one, sample three pixels, etc etc etc. This would produce a
result of 5/6 the original width.

See so far?

Now, to enlarge a picture requires that each pixel, or every other
pixel to be double-counted, etc etc etc, depending on how big you
want the result to be.

Thus, either way, you have discarded pixels in making it smaller, or
double-counted pixels in making it larger. Both illustrations result
in a fuzzier rendition compared to the original.

This is a simplistic explanation, admittedly, but it is essentially
correct. Depending upon the sophistication (read that, expensive)
of the software used, some products will be better than others in
determining the comparative albedos and/or hues of adjacent pixels and
might better attempt to compensate where the least damage would show.

Hope this helps. A lot of people really don't understand the workings.
Don't get scared, but... For a short while, I did in fact take a
testosterone-related supplement. DHEA. Affected my yin-yang balances.
I took it to deal with the blues after an affair ended,

whoa more than i care to know.........

Ref your inquiry a few weeks ago, for a CHM viewer, or lieu
of that, an extractor, which requires no MSIE files.

Just now I was reading some web pages someone in ACF had
linked, and in one, spotted a link fir what is described as
a commandline extractor for CHMs. Given the context of
where it was listed, it'd be interesting to see if it runs
on the w95b machine.


Thank you very much!
I'll let you know.


Ref your inquiry a few weeks ago, for a CHM viewer, or lieu
of that, an extractor, which requires no MSIE files.

Just now I was reading some web pages someone in ACF had
linked, and in one, spotted a link fir what is described as
a commandline extractor for CHMs. Given the context of
where it was listed, it'd be interesting to see if it runs
on the w95b machine.


Chmdump works like a charm. The .exe is 35KB of pure KISS. :-)
Again, thank you very much.

(e-mail address removed):
Chmdump works like a charm. The .exe is 35KB of pure KISS. :-)
Again, thank you very much.

Great news! :)

(I appreciate your report too, because if it failed, I'd have become
immediately suspicious about that site's entire credibility wrt to msie