Reduce duplicates to 1 with a count of how many before

  • Thread starter Thread starter L. Howard
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Hi Howard,

Am Sat, 22 Feb 2014 18:05:25 -0800 (PST) schrieb L. Howard:
I have growing frustration over what appears to be a moving target of what the final out come is supposed to be, and of course I'm in over my head on the code.

Raw data in column A and as before move the non-P item up and over 1 row and 1 column.

can you send me a workbook with the data and the expected result that I
can see it?

Claus B.
Hi Howard,

Am Sat, 22 Feb 2014 18:05:25 -0800 (PST) schrieb L. Howard:
I have growing frustration over what appears to be a moving target of what the final out come is supposed to be, and of course I'm in over my head on the code.
Raw data in column A and as before move the non-P item up and over 1 row and 1 column.
So now data is in column A and column B (which is not shown below.)

I got it!
Change the For Each rngC Loop to:
..Range("C2:C" & LRow2).Formula = "=SumProduct(--(Sheet1!" _
& "$A$1:$A$" & LRow1 & "=A2),--(Sheet1!$B$1:$B$" & LRow1 & "= _

Sub Test_CB2()
Dim LRow1 As Long, LRow2 As Long
Dim myArr As Variant

With Sheets("Sheet1")
LRow1 = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
myArr = .Range("A1:B" & LRow1)
End With

With Sheets("Sheet2")
.Range("A2").Resize(LRow1, 2) = myArr
.Range("A2:B" & LRow1 + 1).RemoveDuplicates _
Columns:=Array(1, 2), Header:=xlNo
LRow2 = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
.Range("C2:C" & LRow2).Formula = "=SumProduct(--(Sheet1!" _
& "$A$1:$A$" & LRow1 & "=A2),--(Sheet1!$B$1:$B$" & LRow1 & "=
End With
End Sub

Claus B.
Hi Howard,

Am Sat, 22 Feb 2014 18:05:25 -0800 (PST) schrieb L. Howard:

I got it!

Change the For Each rngC Loop to:

.Range("C2:C" & LRow2).Formula = "=SumProduct(--(Sheet1!" _

& "$A$1:$A$" & LRow1 & "=A2),--(Sheet1!$B$1:$B$" & LRow1 & "= _


Sub Test_CB2()

Dim LRow1 As Long, LRow2 As Long

Dim myArr As Variant

With Sheets("Sheet1")

LRow1 = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

myArr = .Range("A1:B" & LRow1)

End With

With Sheets("Sheet2")

.Range("A2").Resize(LRow1, 2) = myArr

.Range("A2:B" & LRow1 + 1).RemoveDuplicates _

Columns:=Array(1, 2), Header:=xlNo

LRow2 = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

.Range("C2:C" & LRow2).Formula = "=SumProduct(--(Sheet1!" _

& "$A$1:$A$" & LRow1 & "=A2),--(Sheet1!$B$1:$B$" & LRow1 & "=


End With

End Sub


Claus B.


Yes that really seems to be the ticket.

All my testing says BINGO!

Really appreciate you efforts.

And of course all the code is noted with '/By Claus as I pass it on.

Thanks again.

Hi Howard,

Am Sun, 23 Feb 2014 01:19:18 -0800 (PST) schrieb L. Howard:
All my testing says BINGO!

if you have same values in A with and without values in B macro Test_CB
doesn't give you the expected result because the value from A is only
once in the array.
With Test_CB2 you get the expected result but you use another sheet.
You can also copy the data from A:B to C:D and run RemoveDuplicates.
Then the code must be changed slightly.

If you want the output in the same sheet like Sheet1 in SkyDrive
workbook have another look in SkyDrive an go to Sheet4 and run Test_CB4

Claus B.
Hi Garry,

Am Sat, 22 Feb 2014 22:24:39 -0500 schrieb GS:
Thanks.., I see that now though I don't see the why of it!

in the macro Test_CB2 I had no Option Base 1. But in the other macros I
If I have 1D-Arrays (like the Scripting.Dictionary) into the code and
want to create 2D-Arrays out of them for me it seems easier to handle
with Option Base 1.
Now I have changed all codes (SkyDrive) to Option Base 0. ;-)

Claus B.
Hi Garry,
Am Sat, 22 Feb 2014 22:24:39 -0500 schrieb GS:

in the macro Test_CB2 I had no Option Base 1. But in the other macros
I had.
If I have 1D-Arrays (like the Scripting.Dictionary) into the code and
want to create 2D-Arrays out of them for me it seems easier to handle
with Option Base 1.
Now I have changed all codes (SkyDrive) to Option Base 0. ;-)

Claus B.

Hi Claus,
That makes sense to me but I found it to be problematic when the module
also required zero-based arrays that dealt with control indexes OR
recordsets from delimited text files where field names were the 1st
line in the file. If missing fieldnames I'd have to prepend a line to
the file contents before splitting into an array so the 1st record is
always 1 and the record count is always UBound.

What I find when working with 1D/2D arrays is that using a separate
counter works best for building the output array while the loop counter
starts at LBound. This allows easy transition going either way, IMO.<g>


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Hi Garry,

Am Sun, 23 Feb 2014 11:50:21 -0500 schrieb GS:
What I find when working with 1D/2D arrays is that using a separate
counter works best for building the output array while the loop counter
starts at LBound. This allows easy transition going either way, IMO.<g>

I am reading and writing here not only to help others. I do it also for
further learning. And your suggestions are always helpful and
instructive. Thank you.

Claus B.
Hi Garry,
Am Sun, 23 Feb 2014 11:50:21 -0500 schrieb GS:

I am reading and writing here not only to help others. I do it also
for further learning. And your suggestions are always helpful and
instructive. Thank you.

Claus B.

Claus, please know this is mutual and you have been a great help to me
as well...


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Classic VB Users Regroup!
Hi Claus,

Found a glitch that returns a subscript out of range.

This data errors:

F3UT2BA000457 <note serial number here>

This data works fine:

P-65439 <No serial number, P number instead>

If the FIRST P number entry has a serial number then it errors.
If the data starts with two non serial numbered P numbers it works fine.

I tried starting the error producing data in A2 and it worked but produces an error 400 AFTER the data is correctly handled on the sheet.

These are the codes I am using which have a few minor additions to what you wrote.


Option Explicit
Option Base 1

Sub MyScanA1()
'/ by Claus

Dim LRow As Long
Dim MyArr As Variant
Dim MyArr1 As Variant
Dim arrOut() As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim myCt As Long


LRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

MyArr = Range("A2:A" & LRow)
myCt = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("A2:A" & LRow), "P" & "*")

j = 1
For i = LBound(MyArr) To UBound(MyArr)

ReDim Preserve arrOut(myCt, 2)
If Left(MyArr(i, 1), 1) = "P" Then

arrOut(j, 1) = MyArr(i, 1)

j = j + 1

arrOut(j - 1, 2) = MyArr(i, 1)

End If

Range("A2:B" & LRow).ClearContents

Range("A2").Resize(UBound(arrOut), 2) = arrOut


End Sub

Sub ClearLocateReturn()
Dim MyArr As Variant

MyArr = Range("C1", Range("E1").End(xlDown)).Value


Range("A1").Resize(UBound(MyArr, 1), UBound(MyArr, 2)) = MyArr
End Sub

And in a standard module:

Option Explicit

Sub ReScan()
Dim LRow1 As Long, LRow2 As Long
Dim arrIn As Variant
Dim arrOut() As Variant
Dim MyArr As Variant
Dim dic As Object
Dim i As Long

'/Modify the sheet name
With Sheets("Sheet1")
LRow1 = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
arrIn = .Range("A1:B" & LRow1)
Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

For i = 1 To UBound(arrIn, 1)
dic.Item(arrIn(i, 1)) = arrIn(i, 1)

MyArr = dic.items
For i = 0 To UBound(MyArr)
ReDim Preserve arrOut(dic.Count - 1, 1)
arrOut(i, 0) = MyArr(i)
arrOut(i, 1) = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(arrOut(i, 0), _
.Range("A1:B" & LRow1), 2, 0)
.Range("C1").Resize(dic.Count, 2) = arrOut
LRow2 = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row
With .Range("E1:E" & LRow2)
.Formula = "=SumProduct(--($A$1:$A$" & LRow1 & _
"=C1),--($B$1:$B$" & LRow1 & "= D1))"
.Value = .Value
End With
End With
End Sub
Hi Howard,

Am Mon, 24 Feb 2014 22:21:57 -0800 (PST) schrieb L. Howard:
F3UT2BA000457 <note serial number here>

you are in the wrong thread ;-)

Your data starts in A1. Option Base 1 is NOT needed for the following

Sub MyScan5()
Dim LRow As Long
Dim myArr As Variant
Dim arrOut() As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim myCt As Long

LRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

myArr = Range("A1:A" & LRow)
myCt = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("A1:A" & LRow), "P" & "*")

For i = LBound(myArr) To UBound(myArr)
ReDim Preserve arrOut(myCt - 1, 1)
If Left(myArr(i, 1), 1) = "P" Then
arrOut(j, 0) = myArr(i, 1)
j = j + 1
arrOut(j - 1, 1) = myArr(i, 1)
End If

Range("A1:B" & LRow).ClearContents
Range("A1").Resize(UBound(arrOut) + 1, 2) = arrOut

End Sub

Claus B.
Hi Howard,

Am Mon, 24 Feb 2014 22:21:57 -0800 (PST) schrieb L. Howard:
F3UT2BA000457 <note serial number here>

which macro errors out? The macro to put serial number to column B or
the macro for the unique values?
The first one I fixed with the last answer. The second one errors out if
you use the Test_CB because the unique values are created only from
column A. And in your case you only get 2 values back. I fixed it with
Test_CB4 and and Test_CB_2_2. I wrote this in an earlier answer.
Please have another look:!326
for "UniqueValues" and look at the comments.

P.S.: SkyDrive changed to OneDrive. You can bookmark the link to
OneDrive if you use it often.

Claus B.
<which macro errors out? The macro to put serial number to column B or
<the macro for the unique values?

The one moving the serial number to column B.

I'll have a look at OneDrive.

Hi Howard,

Am Tue, 25 Feb 2014 01:06:48 -0800 (PST) schrieb L. Howard:

you can also look for



Claus B.


Hi Claus,

It looks like running MyScan5 with a call to Test_CB4 does it all.

I'll look at Scan Values too.


Hi Claus,
It looks like running MyScan5 with a call to Test_CB4 does it all.

I'll look at Scan Values too.



Also MyScan5 and Test_CB looks like it gets it done too.

Hi Howard,

Am Tue, 25 Feb 2014 01:48:37 -0800 (PST) schrieb L. Howard:
Also MyScan5 and Test_CB looks like it gets it done too.

I wrote Test_CB because I thought the values in A are unique. As you
posted another example and there are same values in A with different
values in B I found that error. So the unique values are created only
from A some values are missing. In "UniqueValues" you see that 2 values
are missing. All other macros write 9 values, CB_Test only 7.
For your data that macro is wrong.

For this case I wrote Test_CB4 and Test_CB2_2.
CB2_2 works with RemoveDuplicates and is faster.
In "ScanValues" works a combination of Scan5 and TestCB2_2

Claus B.
Hi Claus,

Because some of the serial numbers just happen to start with "P" but NO serial number will state with "P-", I made that change in the code.

That errors out this line with a subscript out of range.

arrOut(j - 1, 1) = myArr(i, 1)

I made some random changes of the -1 and the other 1's but nothing worked.

myCt = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(.Range("A1:A" & LRow), "P-" & "*")

For i = LBound(myArr) To UBound(myArr)
ReDim Preserve arrOut(myCt - 1, 1)
If Left(myArr(i, 1), 1) = "P-" Then
arrOut(j, 0) = myArr(i, 1)
j = j + 1

arrOut(j - 1, 1) = myArr(i, 1)

End If


<NO serial number will state with "P-",

NO serial number will START with "P-",
