Thanks to the forum, I have something that works for me, and there's no
need to continue this thread. BUT...
I have retired from over 50 years of programming, and suffer from the
curiosity that I think makes a good programmer. If you share my attitude
and want to stick around, be my guest. Of course, if I don't have any
guests, I'll just wrap it up.
I hear about downloading MP3 stuff all the time, but I have never had the
need to do so. What this thread has been dealing with is a nine-day
series of interview/lectures (two one-hour sessions per day) which my
daughter is interested in. Unfortunately, she's out of town and asked me
to capture the series for her. I'm doing that, and everything is cool.
Stop me if I go wrong here. These are one-hour sessions because it takes
that long to speak/hear that much data. I suspect that if I were merely
copying that data, I could download it much faster (and she could play it
at an audible rate later). That's why I'm pursuing this. If I'm all wet
on this, then I'm done.
Some of the replies referred to "downloading the MP3" or words to that
effect. That makes me visualize a screen that includes a list of
filenames, and all I have to do is select the one I want and click
"download". If that's what I had available, I could have handled that
with no sweat, even at my age.
What I have, though, is a site -- --
that asks me to choose a red door or a green door. As soon as I do that,
a page comes up, loads the data (fast) from SOMEWHERE, and starts playing
it and that audible signal is what I'm recording. What I would like to
do, I think, is simply download that fast-loading file.
FYI: Today, Labor Day, the site is dealing with Day 4. This number
changes every evening at 7:00 CDT.