If I want to see if ther is a good sig format in the post I'm reading,
I just point my mouse's little i-beam thingy next to the hyphen pair,
to see if it stops there or finds a space.
Yep, my obsession made me doubt my ability to correctly detect spaces, so I
double-check by hitting reply and when the paranoia kicks in, I triple-
check on Google.
The reader I use (Agent), it does the hack-for-OE thing: It will drop
a sig from followup even when the space is missing. But you bring up a
good point on the Google reading, and on all the many readers which
don't code in a special OE wheelchair ramp.
See my reply to Jo: my apologies to the Agent-community. I hate it when a
newsreader does something useful that mine doesn't.
What surprises me on this whole lack of fix in Dadioh's attempts, it's
that there has been no advice coming in from any of the OE-quotefix
users. (??)
Well, I guess like I said a few weeks ago: it's no big deal. I'm not
complaining, it's an obsession I can live with. I guess it doesn't bother
anybody. The only recollection I have of complaints about broken sigs are
those by Andy M. against the posts of John C. (speaking of obsessions).
I have a faint recollection of struggling with Quoutefix about a year ago,
and getting it to work in the end. Nobody complained, I noticed it myself
and got my first obsession.