So who *do* you think is better, the Beatles or the Rolling Stones?
Robin S.
p.s. I'M KIDDING!!!
Robin S.
p.s. I'M KIDDING!!!
So who *do* you think is better, the Beatles or the Rolling Stones?
Robin S.
p.s. I'M KIDDING!!!
Surely you jest! Isn't it obvious? Sting & The Police!
Rad said:Surely you jest! Isn't it obvious? Sting & The Police!
Mike Hofer said:YOU'RE ALL WRONG!! The greatest music of all time was Pat Boone's
cover of Metallica!!!
OK, I'll fess up as to why I dragged out this horse to beat.
For all the pontificating C# people make, I've yet to see problems with VB
quite as deep as these two:
- crippled constructor chaining
- can't have parameterized properties
These are real language shortcomings, and have nothing to do with
differences in syntax or IDE behavior.
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Could you clarify what you mean by "crippled constructor chaining"?
"Crippled" implies that it's so broken as to be useless. You'd have to
make some pretty compelling arguments to me that it's constructor
chaining was crippled. I've been working with VB.NET since Beta, and
have yet to see any problems with VB.NET's implementation of
constructors; certainly nothing to lead me to believe that it's
Further, the lack of parameterized properties is not a VB.NET thing--
it's a .NET thing. Parameterized properties are indexers, if I recall
correctly. Further, I don't believe it's enforced by the compiler;
it's just not a best practice (though I could be wrong).
For information on parameterized properties, see here:
http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms229061(VS.80).aspx- Hide quoted text -
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practice"? That's bunk.
To clarify the constructor chaining problem; in C#, you can't take values
derived within the method body of one constructor and feed them into
another. If you've worked in VB enough, this should strike you as
surprisingly crippled.
C# has no property indexers, if that is the proper term. Not "best
practice"? That's bunk.
In my post, I was referring to C# shortcomings, not VB.NET.
C# has no property indexers, if that is the proper term. Not "best
practice"? That's bunk.
To clarify the constructor chaining problem; in C#, you can't take values
derived within the method body of one constructor and feed them into
another. If you've worked in VB enough, this should strike you as
surprisingly crippled.
C# supports constructor chaining. Although the syntax happens to
appear before the constructor body, it is no less powerful than the VB
counterpart since VB requires the chained call to be first in
constructor body anyway.
Mike Hofer said:Thanks, and again, my apologies for misconstruing your intent.
I want to rant, but I'm too busy at the moment.
Who else hates working in C#? What's your biggest pet peeve?
per9000 said:I hate C# since I am unable to put files in the trashcan from it (but
I am able to do it from VB.NET (please tell me how to do it in C# if
you know it)).
Otherwise: I prefer C# to Visual Basic, except for the name. In
general "Basic" sounds cooler than "C", but than again I *am* a geek.
per9000 said:How do you do it in VB.NET, then? It should be quite trivial to
translate to C#.
translate to C#.
If you think that "Basic" sounds cooler tnan "C", you only think that
you are a geek.![]()
I'll buy you coffee thursday(total value approx 5 SEK)
FileIO appeared, before I had only VBCodeProvider in the namespace
Microsoft.VisualBasic.* (now I got lots of stuff)
Seth, if you find me thursday: I will buy you coffee...
Since I no longer have any reason to hate C# perhaps the harakiri can