Real Bad Problem - PC Keeps Restarting

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muckshifter said:
Because HP cannot build a Games machine ...

A Celeron is underpowered.
You need a min 512 RAM ... 1gig preferable.
On-board graphic cards are crap at game rendering ... and your AGP slot is underpowered too.
Messing with virtual memory is only applicable to Win98 ... and uses the "slow" HD, let Window handle it
ALL games have 'bug' fixes, have you installed them?
HP install so much junk in the background it's a wonder the dam thing works in the first place ... turn off un-needed crap.

Buy an xbox or a new "games" PC :)


Yes but muck'y here belives we all have money :D

I had (well have but i broke it ;s) a celeron 2.4ghz lol, and onborad graphics that got me nowhere special except an oven for a PC to play games on ;p

If you got a spare £35 go to your local comp shop and buy yourself an A9250 Graphics card (mine was made by Asus) for that empty AGp slot (if it supports 8x?)

Dont worry bout it, i was running a crapard hell/Sis Machine and with an extra 512 ram jammed up in there i was running world of warcraft on near full settings with 0 lag. :) Maybe i had a lucky machine but for the money that card is the business :P

BTW - if your on XP just use system restore to before you installed that program ;-)
Yes but muck'y here belives we all have money ...
Nope! but I could have built two PC for the price you paid for your HP. ;)

if it supports 8x?
oops, sorry again, but, that HP only has 4x AGP ... :rolleyes:

[b said:
that[/b] HP only has 4x AGP ... :rolleyes:


Opps didnt read all that ;s yes what muck said just gonna have to buy yourself a games comp
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thats not the point though - the point im trying to say is that the game worked fine BEFORE WinXP Manager was used - i has no system restore point to go back to so i HAD to use system recovery which did fuk all - y does the problem still remain????
Avance said:
thats not the point though - the point im trying to say is that the game worked fine BEFORE WinXP Manager was used - i has no system restore point to go back to so i HAD to use system recovery which did fuk all - y does the problem still remain????

Suppose thats just a job for eradicating the thing from your system completly then. ok follow these guidelines then if your comfortable with them -

Do you still have it on your system?

------ If yes then = Uninstall it
------ If no then = try doing a search in your computer for any files with that prgrams name in it, then delete them all.

Do you still get the problem?

------ If yes then = go to Run>Msconfig>And turn off processes you think might be linked to it
------ If no then = :confused:
You mentioned the magic word (games). Acceleration problems occur when the mouse pointer causes display related errors. This means the GUI (graphic-user-interface) which uses the mouse and Video card are causing issues (such as freezing) whenever the mouse is either initialized on start-up or when moved. Reducing settings contained within the SYSTEM icon in the Control Panel may help. To do this, open up SYSTEM and click on the ADVANCED tab. Click on the PERFORMANCE button and select the box "adjust for best performance".
Close the SYSTEM window and within the control panel open up the DISPLAY icon. Click on the APPEARANCE tab and select the EFFECTS button. Empty all boxes that have a tick in them.. If you have special drivers that run "behind the scenes" for your video card, you may have to tinker with the hardfware acceleration for 3D. You may have to reduce the quality of 3D rendering preferring instead for better performance. You must remember that WinXP is like a fully automated SLR camera. It can only do so much. It is not perfect when it comes to having all the possible working driver combinations running all the possible hardware combinations on an individuals PC. If all the above does not work, try something simple and change your mouse (borrow one is cheaper).
One last pointer, if the game you are playing allows for selection of type of video card in use, if it is present, make sure that you select the correct video card in use. Do not accept "system default" or similar as this relies on XP to solve any doesnt look like it is solving much. Also, in the event that these options dont work, Try reducing hardware/video acceleration for 3d rendering contained within options for your game.
AND if this dont work, shave your head and place an empty potato sack on your head and pray to ALLAH.
...forgot to metion, I agree with muckshifter in "to put it mildly". I notice the odd number you have when quoting RAM installed on your machine. I take it you are running several sticks? Are they the same brand and speed rating (100, 133 or other). It seems to me that you need at least at least 500meg of RAM alone just to run WinXP. This is microsofts recommendation. If my previous suggestions dont work and you are on a tight budget, bugger of XP and install Win2000 or Win98SE. This will allow your machine to run smoothly with the Available RAM you have in use: Providing you RAM sticks are not clashing with each otherand doing silly things. And do take muckshifter's advice and get rid of all the "bells and whistles" that cum with HP. Empty the task bar at the bottom of your may have to go into your start-up menu and delete all entrys there and also go into each applett running on your task bar and deslect any option that allows it to be run in your sytem tray as well taskbar/quiklaunch. You should only have the time and speaker icon left!!!
Go into your SOUND icon in the Control Panel and selct the "NO SOUNDS" option from within the drop down menu.
I would even go so far as to mention to turn off the SYSTEM RESTORE option, freeing up more resources and also turn off live update for winblowz media player and WinXP itslef. Th elist goes If you want to go this way, there is more you can do to this end.
LOL....and one more pointer, you may have selected to uninstall sum crap you installed from microsft: XPManager thingy. The bad new is that neither system restore or uninstall will completely remove such an embedded peice of software. I defy anyone to say different. Everyone wants therir bight of the cherry when it cums to intruding into your personal PC and I would say it is not in microsofts best interest that such be removed when asked via uninstalling. You are rooted. Best bet if all else fails is to re-install XP inside the existing WINDOWS folder and never add stuff that you think will run your compuetr better...PERIOD
its a combination of many crap componants, bundled into one crap system

i know - i am using one now :p

im guessing that like me, as you bought it from hp you have no xp install cd?

dman pre installing
Potguy is right. The HP systems I have worked on are a bundled expensive peice of average hardware. There is not even enough pci slots to go outside of what is provided on their motherboard. Trapping you into using their crap and purchasing another board if one wants to go further. Once an OS is installed, never use setup utilities provided by HP to recognize hardware such as USB,IDE,AGP sound and stuff. Obtain the chipset types and install directly from each manufacturers website...VIA,IBM, etc.. This allows for an average system for computer dummies to work, which is what a HP computer is.:thumb:
Me thinks he must have rooted his computer...hasnt got back for awhile :D
...or buried a size twelve boot into the case :p
actuli ive started lookin elsewhere 4 advise as i think PC Review gives **** advice
Jolly good ... have a nice day.

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