Definitely all lower case is preferable. Forgetting about it considered as
shouting, it is all about the brain and readability.
When we read, the brain recognises most words by the shape of the complete
word. The brain rarely needs to examine the individual letters because as a
child it learnt the shapes of words. If words are suddenly all in Caps, the
eye has great difficulty reading the word shape, so it slows down reading
and causes reading fatigue.
Take simple word like 'stop'. The brain easily recognises its short length
and the position of its ascender and decender. Once you write it as STOP,
there are no ascenders or decenders to assist the brain, so it has to
actually look at the letters before recognising the word.
So never use All Caps - even in Titles if it is a long title.
Terry Farrell
: Hey,
: You didn't mention earlier that you had a disability. If that's the case,
: apologies for any offence!
: However, that doesn't change the fact that many people WILL get annoyed at
: you if you use all caps, unless they know why. I would suggest that is the
: Shift key gives you problems, you are better typing in all lower case,
: rather than all upper case, then you'll avoid any problems.
: As an alternative, you could mention at the end of the message that you
: some a disability that makes typing more difficult for you, that way
: will understand, and (hopefully) not have a go at you.
: Once again, sorry if you took offence.
: Hope you have sorted your problem with ReadOnly out...?
: Cheers,
: ChrisM.
: : > ooh this is getting silly but I have to say this, that website u
: > No
: > mention of some off th people with a know disability! Have to use cap in
: > typing Doc most off th time! Then again able-body people do not take it
: > to
: > consideration do thy!
: >
: > "ChrisM" wrote:
: >
: >> > as to me typing
: >> > in Caps is there a computer law which say typing in Cap is consider
: >> > yelling
: >> > or rude? I don't thk so if there is well prove it?
: >>
: >> Well, not a 'law' as such, but just good computer manners. Some people
: >> will
: >> flat refuse to reply to a message typed in CAPS as they just think it
: >> rude...
: >>
: >> See Rule 1 (and the others if you're interested)
: >>
: >>
: >> Or this:
: >>
: >> (Google search all about using CAPS)
: >>
: >> ;-)
: >>
: >> Cheers,
: >>
: >> Chris.
: >>
: >>
: >>