Thanks again for all your help on this Tom.
It appears that several folks
are interested in what you are able to find out.
Tom Ziegmann said:
The bug report has been filed and all setup logs have been enclosed. As soon
as I know something I will let you all know.
Tom Ziegmann
Microsoft Certified Professional
Windows Vista / Server Longhorn Technical Beta Tester
Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 Technical Beta Tester
I just downloaded the Vista 5728 release and am still getting the
"Windows installation encountered an error and cannot continue," on
an upgrade of XPSP2. I follows through the whole file copy part and
roughly through 55% of the 2nd phase. I did a verify on the dvd disc
and it checks out. I am not familiar enough with the upgrade process
to find and provide the necessary logs to assist in the
troubleshooting process.
Aside from this problem has any one else been able to complete an
upgrade after getting this error?