rc-1 found on some torrent site plus small rant

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You really need to re-read my first post....

I find your opening statement to be rude and down right insulting. You
don't have a clue about who I am or my educational background etc.

I'm not saying anything against torrenting files.. "I use torrents also"
Just the the simple fact that I found it odd that vista was already (in
torrent form and avaible). Though it is not avaible to the general public as
an offical release yet. Some of us actual beta testers have the forethought
to wait for the offical release and not get software that mite be mis-labled
or even worse virus infested.
I like so many other that actually beta-tested the software and will
greatlly enjoy it when rc-1 is avaible to us testers from the beta 2 cpp.
And as per my other post it has been reported to MS.

And lastly drop the Holy-than-thou approch! Most people find it just down
right poor taste and somewhat childish on your part.
Have a nice day.
BTW: I don't do flame wars period, it's just to childish.
WTF?? This useless information is really funny..especially since GW Bush
associates with (and recevies HUGE amounts of money) from the family of a
known terrorist...but Ralph Reed is a problem? lol only in the usa
Any person can be ignorant... dont take it personaly...
I have yet to find a man that knows everything.
because you found it odd you are ignorant of the power of torrent....
Why is this insulting? it is a fact.

ms should be using it for its betas.

if don't like my words you can slap my face, but im, bad im bad