Random computer restart - Vcore too high?

Dec 3, 2005
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I have been having a problem with my computer randomly restarting for a while now. originally i thought it was bad ram which i detected and replaced, but i still have the same problem even though memtest tells me it is fine. my monitoring programs tell me all my tepmeratures are fine. i downloaded sandra which told me my Vcore setting is too high. but i checked and it is set to 1.3875V which as far as i can tell is right for an intel P4 3.0GHz HT. the only other warning is that my memory can't correct errors which since it is ok shouldn't be a problem. Any one any ideas on how to fix my problem?

my other settings are:

FSB: 200
memory voltage: 2.60
AGP voltage: 1.50
not sure what else people need to help me. so please i'm begging you whats wrong? and how can i fix it?
your Vcore is fine i have the same CPU and CPUZ reads 1.5V, what temps are you running at ?
well at the moment with my freezing house and it not doing much it is at 30C but when taxed it goes up to 50C but not higher than that
also i noticed in system it shows i have 2, 3.0GHz processors, but i guessed that is because I am using HT, but thoghut i would mention it just incase it shouldn't be
I have a PC running the same processor and the Vcore is 1.3V, with temps up to 50C under load so I don't see a problem with yours.
And yes its normal with HT to show 2 CPU's:thumb:
could be your psu, can try another?

it sounds like hardware and the fact that the memory is fine, and the cpu is good.
is it with a particular program or when under CPU intensive tasks ?
it used to do it alot, but after i changed the bad ram it seems only to happen while i am playing games, but not neccesarily hardcore ones, for instance i am playing morrowind on demon tools or i was playing some games on my snes emulator. and i have played doom 3 on almost full res and didn't seem to cause much trouble, i have also run a CPU tester program for half hour on super hard mode and i didn't get a restart. so maybe its a time issue which made me think loose conection so i pushed them all in place, but this made no difference. the only other things i can think of is a cracked motherboard, but i can't see anything wrong. or hotspots on the CPU but i used arctic paste on it so should be ok. i don't have a spare PSU but i told my motherboard to switch off if it has AC power loss but it still simply restarts.
ok thats what sandra said it was, but thats not true, its actually a MSI 865PE Neo2-PFS (Socket 478) Motherboard. well thats what i bought anyway. so i hope it is.
Paddycolver said:
ok thats what sandra said it was, but thats not true, its actually a MSI 865PE Neo2-PFS (Socket 478) Motherboard. well thats what i bought anyway. so i hope it is.

Try this > enter bios>hardware monitor> disable all> F10 to save > yes.
went into bios but couldn't find that feature all i could see was monitor events is that the same thing? also notice that if i told bios to let me change the vcore it told me it was too high even though we already established it is ok. also on bootup it lists my HDD as IDE even though it is ATA i will post the rest of that problem on another thread
EnterBios>power menu>hardware monitor>you will see cpu temp/ cpu fan speed Etc:>disable them all hit F10 > now when it boots up leave it run if it is ok. enter bios again and enable them one at a time F10 untill you find which one it is that causes the problem, then leave that one disabled; with your problem it could be the fan speed and not the temp?
stay online I will wait;)
i will give it a go, but the problem happens after a few hours so may take some time to find the problamatic device.
Paddycolver said:
i will give it a go, but the problem happens after a few hours so may take some time to find the problamatic device.

Good luck;)
Thats the old 2.00 version itsme, go direct to the Everest site HERE and get the new 2.20 version:thumb: