Leythos said:
You are correct, there is no relation between file size and stripe size,
but there is a relation between file size, stripe size and performance.
Envision stripe size like you would cluster size and then you'll
You are simply WRONG. The concept of cluster size and stripe size have no
relation to one another. Cluster is a logical software concept of disk
storage allocation. Stripe size has to do with physical allocation across
Envision the difference between stripe size and stripe unit size. Stripe
size has nothing to do with performance but stripe unit size often does.
The optimal stripe unit size for streaming/large-file performance is one
that quickly starts and then maintains the continuous stream of data on all
the drives in a RAID 0 set. The goal is not to lose any revolutions. If
the stripe unit size is too large then the initial OS read request may not
be large enough to get all the HDs in the RAID 0 set starting a read. If
the stripe unit size is too large then the drive's read ahead may not be
sufficient to continue the stream until the next read request arrives. Fail
these criteria and you lose revolutions and therfore non-optimal streaming
performance. Stick to an area where you have some actual knowledge.
Large stripes are non-optimal for streaming. There's a middle ground that's
usually optimal and that depends on controller HW design, RAID drivers
design, OS design and the HD's internal caching and other behaviors and