Rod Speed
John Turco said:Rod Speed wrote
Hello, Rod:
Thank you, for putting Eric "Clueless Canuck" Gisen, in his place. ;-)
No problem, I enjoyed it, as always |-)
John Turco said:Rod Speed wrote
Hello, Rod:
Thank you, for putting Eric "Clueless Canuck" Gisen, in his place. ;-)
<edited for brevity>
Hello, Folkert:
No...I'm calling >you< a troller, instead. <g>
Hello, Tim:
Sound advice, indeed!
I, *myself*, was only advocating caution, during my prior responses in
this thread.
No problem, I enjoyed it, as always |-)
Previously Tim_Mac said:fact is... flash memory has been used successfully for a long time
before it's current mainstream introduction. but it is new to a lot
of people who don't trust it, which is also understandable. if you
are a skeptic, then wait another 5 years until you're comfortable with
it. in the meantime, let the early adopters prove you right or wrong,
either way they're doing you a favour![]()
Rod said:No problem, I enjoyed it, as always |-)
Folkert said:Rod Speed wrote in news:[email protected]
Yeah, pity you're too clueless to do it yourself, you big hero.
Gisin's "place" is in the outhouse said:Troll and it's little troll helper.
Aren't they a nice pair.
Watt and half watt.
John Turco said:Rod Speed wrote
<edited for brevity>
Hello, Rod:
I think that this newsgroup's resident "dour Dutchman" could
use some of your unique "Aussie persuasion," as well. <g>
John Turco <[email protected]>
PS: I'd mispelled "Gisin," before. :-J
I'm more into a bullet in the back of the neck
and send the bill for the bullet to the relos.
Thats what happens when you hit the turps as enthusiastically as you clearly
A Jap would at least have the decency to
Squeeze said:Rod Speed wrote in news:[email protected]
So where can we send your bill to then, Rod?
Ehrm, what's the point when you're already *gutless*, like Turco boy here.