Well said, & as I said, there are good cops out there, I have had the pleasure to deal with some in some very stressful situations. In such a situation a good police officer can make a huge difference and I don't doubt for a minute that you will be a good cop. You strike me as a person with a great deal of integrity &, as you have just demonstrated, as someone who will, not only stand up for what you believe in, but who is also able do so assertively & without attacking.
I apologise for laughing & for stereotyping police officers. You are right & I was out of line.
Furthermore, as human beings we all carry our own share of biases & stereotypes. No one can claim to be free of these. The demands on police officers to be able to put their biases aside when dealing with people as individuals is much higher than most. All we can ever do is our best.
And flops, I'm sorry, but I have to agree with chris on this one, survival of the fittest is all very well... so long as you are one of the fittest. We have police because the fittest are not the only ones deserving of survival. And I would hate to try & define what exactly would be the physical & personality characteristics that would be necessary for survival, but probably a good portion of them are serving time right now.
And as for Adrenaline. being able to combine a cool calm & calculating attitude with high stress/Adrenaline dump, is a basic essential lifeskill for many jobs (business & high finance are good examples) & essential for good driving in extreeme situations. Adrenaline is there not just to give a thrill. It also (when combined with such clarity) increases the speed of reflex actions & thought processesing. increases sensitivity to peripheral stimuli while also allowing the individual to 'hyperfocus' if required.
Because it also involves a shift from verbal-sequential thought to visual-spatial & conceptual thought it can speed up the thought processes to nearly 100x that of verbal-sequential thinking. Most of us have at sometime had the experience of reacting & responding to a stimulus, threat or percieved threat before our verbal thought processes were even aware that it was happening. This is a very useful skill while driving & policing obviously. In this situation adrenaline is a tool to be used, not something to fight.
Chris I wish you very well in your chosen career. You've chosen a difficult job which will put you in a lot of situations that require very hard choices of you, but, as you said, it is a job where you can make a difference. I don't envy you at all, but I'm certain that the police force will be better for having you in it
