Quiet Day


Feb 23, 2002
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Its been a quiet day today on the forums :o Anyone been up to anything interesting this week?

I'm coming up to the final run of work/exams before my degree is over, so I'm looking forward to the summer when I have some time to actually do things! So nothing much exciting here! ;)

Anyone done anything interesting?
Nope :(

Just work. Which has been frustrating. Too much rain, keep getting rained off when we trying to desperately finish this job.

Very annoying.

Kinda boring time of year really, but at least the days are getting longer.

Two months from now, we'll be wearing T-Shirts during the day :)

Now there's a thought....
Well yesterday things got interesting.

I wrote a 6 page letter to the MD of Sainsbury's - Mr. King himself with some suggestions and things i find that are wrong about the company. Our new store manager read the letter after him and invited me to a meeting - which lasted 2 hours. I am now head of council and am in the process of interviewing customers for information on the complete store refit i helped get permission for...

Tomorrow night from 6 til 12 im going out with Hampshire Constabulary - shadowing the shift of a police sergeant - should be great fun - go around in a police car for 6 hours!!
sounds goood Postill,

Flopps shame abt the weather, looks like its gona snow soon....

normal day for me! :)
christopherpostill said:
And looking forward to driving dads car to college with mates tomorrow :cool:


thats why u coulndt wait till FRIDAY! lol

good luck mate
No thats the police thing PSD lol

i drive dads car all the time its smooooth

im gonna be a cop tomorrow :P
oh dear oh dear

postill is going to be a pork chop for a day..............

what would make u wanta do that!!!!???
im intreged

i didnt know we had a copper amongst us.....
would u turn your mates in then?
PSD - Watch it.

No i'd never turn my mates in... unless it was like rape or murder or paedophila, then they wouldnt be my mates any more.

Chances are you wouldn't be around if we didnt have police. I wanna do it because i want to help people, not nick them...apart from chavs, they suck. More of those i can nick the better.

It also looks like a very interesting job - i mean comeon - who else can legally drive a Volvo T5 (stupidly fast car) at extreme speed through red lights the wrong way in a one way system LEGALLY - a cop because he's chasing the scum in the nova ahead of him. Iwould also like the thrill and adrenaline. Dont want a desk job.
Not really so interesting here I suppose. I've spent most of the day HATING sand. I am working on a beach picture where I am painting lots of blue-grey sand. If anyone can think of a way to paint blue-grey sand so that it doesn't look like water then PLLLLEEEEAAASSSSSE tell me :confused:

Suppose I'm pretty chuffed though that another one of my paintings has been accepted for an ehibition/Auction & will be on display for another couple of weeks:). Have to go down & check it out, haven't actually been down the exhibition to see it yet. I suppose I should get my A into G & put it up on my web page sometime soon. Been going crazy with this beach picture though. Worst thing is that I've already got my next picture in my head, but untill I can sort this damn sand I can't finish off the rest of this picture.
I hate sand....... :(
Well i have spent the last 3 months studying for some computer exams and in the last 3 weeks have not even read a paper in that time, i even gave up beer, how crazy is that
. And in the last week i only turned the pc on to set it up for a days crunching with the pc review crew II.:thumb:

christopherpostill, you will love going out in a squad car, lets just hope the dont nick a pi55ed up driver, they love to hurl or pee in the back seat, even more so if they know their guilty!

Oh, and yes i passed my exams!!!!:D
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TriplexDread said:
Yeah cool take a pic and show us

Well there you go :) I dunno how to put it up in here so I just put it in the photo gallery. The painting itself is called "A quiet moment". pretty silly really but I had to call it something & I'm always really bad at naming my paintings. I got the time of the actual auction wrong as well, apparently it's this weekend, time's been going by quicker than i thought.
I did work experience when i was in school with the police. Its proper quality going on a skid pan in a police car. I couldnt drive it but the instructors showed me a good time. The car just span in circles for a bout 10 minutes and i just should unpleasantries and hoped for the best. Its like the best rollercoaster youve ever been on cause you know if he makes a mistake your going through a barrier.
My cop thing was superb, had a top laugh :)

Went car shopping today with dad, test drove a V70... Going to look at a 250bhp T5 SE next week :cool:
Live the dream Chris..good luck m8 in whatever you want to do ...i was the same back errrmm in the 80`s :)
Well today ...Bought my eldest Lad Timberland boots for his 13th ...Bought another car seat for my youngest boy ..Went Hanley shopping in the disney store for my youngest daughters bedroom (Curtains and duvet set) .Then my wife had shoes and i got a reduced optical mousmat ...and am now trying to chill while the girls are upstairs and i am chasing little Aaron around to stop him messing ..

I once went on a skid pan with an HGV2 lorry, the instructor showed me first then i had a go, an experience i will not ever forget:eek: Very strange when you loose control of 11 tons of vehicle:cool:
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