Quad's comedy video thread

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I actually used to speak to a bird in a local conservation centre, you could almost have a conversation with it..:nod:
It was a Toucan..
:thumb: They dont' make them like that any more TC, mores the shame:lol:. It just goes to show what they can do with film now you cannot belive what you see any more can you Urmas:confused:
I seen that parrot one some years ago.

I love them old cartoons, they always used to show a few of those at the cinema between B film and main film. Of course, being impressionable, we all spoke like them cartoons and also thought we could do the same stunts, which led to a lot of bruises.
:mad:Dam mobiles, I got one only because my good lady insists that I have one when I take the dogs for the walks incase I fall over and break a leg or have a heart attack. I dont know how we managed without them but we seemed to get by:(!!!!!!!
Aww... Gimme a break! Can't a kitten take a nap without his pesky sibling chewing him up? :lol::lol:
