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How long did you make if before your first flame? I lasted almost eight
days before I got mine.

whoa!! way less than that I imagine. Likely the the first day or so, don't
really remember LOL. I came to usenet after several years of irc'n so that
was an adjustment ;)

I did lurk a little bit first, but hey, I'm not one to wait around and test
the waters, bla,bla...just jump right in...sink sometimes, but swim back to
the top and keep *doggy-paddling*.
jo said:
I did an 820MB file on 56k dial up recently from a server with 5 days
retention. :-)

Heh. Wow! You're more patient than me!

Regards from John Corliss
No adware, cdware, commercial software, crippleware, demoware,
nagware, shareware, spyware, time-limited software, trialware, viruses
or warez please.

Because Andy Mabbett is stalking me in this group, I have him killfiled.
Ryno said:
pasted the emule link, time will tell. If this doesn't work I'll try the g2
search for pw2004. Thx Lurker

A reminder about "Method 1".

Post a request here asking someone to burn a copy and mail it to you
(mention the country you live in).

Ryno said:
That seems like it should be my best hope. All other ways have failed for
me. :(

I'm sorry to hear that. Getting a CD by mail is pretty easy. The info
below is from the PL CD page:

This is how to make a request in the newsgroup:

Subject: PL2004 CD request.
Requests should include the country the CD will be sent to and a lightly
munged (disguised) email address (so that a volunteer can contact you).


You can email one of these volunteers directly if you live in their
"service area". Post to the group if you don't get a quick reply. (The
volunteer may be away from home.)

Adrian Carter Email: adriancarterau (AT) yahoo (DOT) com (DOT) au

Tim Riley Email: timthebaker (AT) telus (DOT) net
POKO Email: pokokat (AT) vianet (DOT) ca

Canada (central):
PuppyKatt Email: slkorolyk (AT) mts (DOT) net

New Zealand and the South Pacific:
Nicolaas Hawkins Email: raptor (AT) top (DOT) net (DOT) nz
bambam Email: bam_bono (AT) myrealbox (DOT) com

Danny Email: dannyboy (AT) asianet (DOT) co (DOT) th

United Kingdom:
Semolina Pilchard Email: Semolina (AT) ecosse (DOT) net

USA: Arizona:
Ben Cooper Email: c_ben (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

USA (California):
Mark S. Email: markrolandsmith (AT) sbcglobal (DOT) net

USA (Michigan and adjacent states):
Omar Oszust Email: poszust (AT) wideopenwest (DOT) com

USA (Texas and adjacent states):
Juzme Email: juzme_55 (AT) yahoo (DOT) com

Wow, thanks a lot. For now I got lucky and have found it on emule nd it's
downloading in record time for me.

I'ts comming from Dish (thx whoever you are) who is running on the emule and
shareaza network. I imediately got a friend on to help spread it back and
forth, it's runnning well.

If for some reason this fail I will use your way/source.
I can not thank everyone enough. This cd looks like it's well put together.
Ryno said:
Wow, thanks a lot. For now I got lucky and have found it on emule nd
it's downloading in record time for me.

I'ts comming from Dish (thx whoever you are) who is running on the
emule and shareaza network. I imediately got a friend on to help
spread it back and forth, it's runnning well.
Glad to be of assistance. :-)

I especially installed emule so I could add you as a friend.

Lurker AKA Dish
Ryno said:
That seems like it should be my best hope. All other ways have failed
for me. :(

FWIW, The *.iso is now available for download. See my post with the
Subject line "PL2004CD.iso now available for download."