Purchasing the Creative Zen :)

but i dont know i havn't heard a zen thingy but i duno even if it is better by paper lol Belloni told me lol which probz aint true....lol. it may be louder as the ipod has some sound control for safety which SUCKS ! lol owell does the job
The headphones on the Zen are better. They have a big impact on the sound quality. Zen sounds better than ipod, trust me i know! I have listened to both.
I have a 30gig ZEN I was quite impressed for it for the money less than half price compared to the rip-pod.
Vanilla Radio said:
The headphones on the Zen are better. They have a big impact on the sound quality. Zen sounds better than ipod, trust me i know! I have listened to both.

I agree with Vanilla - I have had a Zen and I have an iPod Mini - both sound great as long as you don't use the stock earphones - then the Zen is definitely better. In other words the Zen comes with better earphones, not better sound from the player itself. However, a good set of earphones isn't all that expensive...who the hell use the stock set?
yes lol i use the sony sumin or other in ear phones.... great for sound and bass
1nteger said:
I agree with Vanilla - I have had a Zen and I have an iPod Mini - both sound great as long as you don't use the stock earphones - then the Zen is definitely better. In other words the Zen comes with better earphones, not better sound from the player itself. However, a good set of earphones isn't all that expensive...who the hell use the stock set?
I am using the stock set, but only caus they sound OK for my train trip to lincoln every day, and i just cant be bothered to go shopping for earphones right now :)
lol Cache man :P

I have 2 pairs of Fontopia earphones ... by far the BEST ... EASILY !!! lol

Pricey at around £25 i think on www.amazon.co.uk but deffo worth it !!!

A well good investment if you ask me ! :) lol

Make the sound, sound so much better !!!
G~MAN said:
i think its unfair how u treat us ipod owners...haha!

i don't see why u think there sooo bad. mines done me well lol and itunes is excelellent. I don't have it because i want it for a fasion statement just because alot of people recomended it 2 me.... the sound is good and does everything for you (itunes)

agree ipods are mint but itunes suck :mad:
G~MAN said:
i think its unfair how u treat us ipod owners...haha!

i don't see why u think there sooo bad. mines done me well lol and itunes is excelellent. I don't have it because i want it for a fasion statement just because alot of people recomended it 2 me.... the sound is good and does everything for you (itunes)

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