How many average users will have a machine that will accommodate that at the
end of January? A good percentage of the PC's out there are at least 2-3
years old, and don't have the graphics cards or such to accommodate it if
they bought it. So, do you really think that the average user will go out
and by a brand new machine, or spend the additional money for a graphics
card just so they can have 3D Glass? Personally, I don't think there will
be that many. Most of the people that I have been talking to around here,
business, home users, city and academic, have said that they will not be
getting Vista until after the SP1. So, I don't really think that there are
that many people out there that are going to rush out and spend more money
just so they can have Vista 3D stuff just because their present machine does
not support it. Also, many people may not be able to afford the higher
price for the 3D stuff, and will opt for what they really need.
There is, of course, the number of people who will pay whatever is necessary
to get the 3d Glass, just to see what it is like. But, when they tire of it,
they will simply turn it off.
I am reminded of a lot of the BT's who were so gung ho to get the Glass that
they went out and bought additional hardware and such in order to
accommodate it, as it was must have to see it for themselves. Then after
the hype wore off, more than half began to complain of the amount of
resources it took to support it and turned it off. So much for Show Biz.
As PT Barnum said......
But this is just my personal opinion.