dkg_ctc said:
I would recommend you try it yourself before taking Omega's (flawed?)
word for it...
<!-- dkg_ctc conveniences his ploy by not quoting a single word from the
post <
[email protected]> which he purports to
be discussing. Those quotes now inserted -->
:: Inserts filetype keys to the registry whenever you run it;
:: no option to turn that off.
none of the issues omega's described happened here.
You say, "it did not happen here," on your machine -- when it does indeed.
@="PSPad project"
1. It inserts those filetype keys to the registry.
2. It does so whenever it runs.
(Delete those keys, and it will recreate them, on its next run.)
3. It provides no option to turn off that behavior.
My report of the insertion of the filetype keys -- that which you label
"Omega's claims" and "Omega's (flawed?) word" -- it is a factual account,
and can be witnessed by anyone who has interest.
_ _ _
All file associations stayed the same,
As for her accusation that there's "no option" to turn off setting
file associations, that's not true.
There are options for using PSPad to open TXT files,
I made absolutely no statement whatsoever about it taking over file
associations, changing values. You flat-out invented that. Deviously.
Or delusionally. Or both. Indulging yourself in a rant against the
very notion that you yourself made up, in trying to fit me as the
target in your tricks.
_ _ _
:: And creates settings files outside way off in a distant,
:: external location (...\common files\application data\pspad\).
There's also an option for PSPad in a "Multi User Environment", which does in fact
create the PSPad folder under the users Application Data folder.
Quoting your statement again: "none of the issues omega's described happened
1. You say such a thing despite the fact that, given you knew how to look,
you'd see that automatic creation of the PSPad filetype keys right
before your eyes.
2. The second part of the "described issues," it's the creation of files
off in App Data. And then in what you have to say on it above, you
indicate outright that you yourself have seen that behavior.
So, I guess I'm somewhat baffled by omega's claims
Had you any actual interest in facts, you would not be posing as being
"baffled" by those two "claims."
On the contrary, your driving motivation is quite otherwise.
_ _ _
Re the second subject, the remote directory usage, you buried within your
muck a statement that it's a behavior that can be prevented, if one does
not enable PSPad's "Multi User Environment" option. Consider that a normal\
healthy adult would have replied to the observation about the remote
directory usage, with a civil note, to inform how the multi-user environment
setting affects the file locations. A healthy reply in the same spirit as
most communication in ACF.
But instead, we have you here.
You spit out a twisted mess. Deviously try to attribute to me notions that
you invented. Laced with your ugly, insulting manner.
No, dkg_ctc, don't start stroking yourself so fast. In fantasizing that
you have now accomplished your goal. I know what you crave, the kind of
game you seek. I've seen how perversely you relish creating your flamefest
I refuse to support your endeavor. You won't waste more of my time.
Yep, go ahead now, dkg_ctc. Do your predictable, compulsive number. Dump
your stench into ACF, spill out all your garbage, call me a liar, and a
thief, and whatever else, once again. Those are the pits you crawl in.
And be sure to really jack off in it, all by yourself.