PSD99's Upgrade thread with Pictures.

Yes they come very handy only problem is I got 4 not 6.

Right the damn thing is buggered. Vista crashes when I do something graphically intense.
It will just freeze the screen and nothing will work. Right now I am removing the graphics drivers.

Before I have removed the wireless card, the USB printer, removed all netgear software. Opened up the case and reseated everything except CPU and pit cables back out and in.

that didnt work
at this rate it could be anything might even be software
argggh i am tearing my hair out atm! i wont sleep tonight
its happened again without the latest 9800 drivers

this is a nightmare

i might have to start all over again

anyone know what else I can do? :mad::mad::mad:
I hate things like this I remember a major problem I had which got me to this site in 2003
I hope I can resolve this.
psd99 said:
I hate things like this I remember a major problem I had which got me to this site in 2003
I hope I can resolve this.

You will resolve it, don't worry..Take a break..Go make a cuppa tea and watch a bit of telly..Take your mind away from the problem for half an hour or so..Normally works for me..Leave it for a while before you screw sommit up badly...
im away from it for now
just downloading latest 9800 drivers.

I can't really work out what is going wrong all I can think of is installing latest 9800 drivers
then I will think about removing my TV card totally from the system I think it could be that. Quite possibly this all started to occur when I put that into the chassis.

If it all fails and I am in a position where I really don't know I am going to have to go and install Vista again. With no PCI cards.

How long is that!?

So what do you all think?

I'll explain the problem I could be watching the TV or listening to music and then opening up word document and then the whole system stops. The screen goes fuzzy (I think) and I hear the sound just stop at one point like it is slurring at one point.....
then the keyboard or mouse won't work all I can do is click on the restart button.

Then it will go back into Vista act normal and again it'll happen. The CPU temps are around 40-45 C. MB temp is around 35C.

So what you all think?
psd99 said:
im away from it for now
just downloading latest 9800 drivers.

I can't really work out what is going wrong all I can think of is installing latest 9800 drivers
then I will think about removing my TV card totally from the system I think it could be that. Quite possibly this all started to occur when I put that into the chassis.

If it all fails and I am in a position where I really don't know I am going to have to go and install Vista again. With no PCI cards.

How long is that!?

So what do you all think?

I'll explain the problem I could be watching the TV or listening to music and then opening up word document and then the whole system stops. The screen goes fuzzy (I think) and I hear the sound just stop at one point like it is slurring at one point.....
then the keyboard or mouse won't work all I can do is click on the restart button.

Then it will go back into Vista act normal and again it'll happen. The CPU temps are around 40-45 C. MB temp is around 35C.

So what you all think?

Hi psd99,

Before you install the new drivers I would download this, and to make sure that all the traces of the old drivers have gone as often add and remove leaves things behind. If the problem still happens then I would reseat the GFX card, have you got the latest chipset drivers?

Let us know how it goes.


Hi I have just installed the graphics card drivers and uninstalled the tv card.

I will open up again if this don;t work to reseat the graphics card
good idea thanks for program.
hi guys low laptop battery

I removed the tv card drivers hvr1100 and so far so good
i am just about to install rainbow six vegas 2
so if it;ll crash it is bound to during playing that......

if this game works without crashes looks like i found the problem
my hvr1100 tv card
bloody shame

power out
the gentlemen at overclockers reckon it could be the ram timings and voltage (9 9 9 25 and 1.6v)

so I just changed 'em in the BIOS wish me luck!!!
Okay I have stability been okay for the last 6 hours so far so good.

I changed the timings woo hoo
I'm going to run that test that madx had from before...
psd99 said:
Okay now for the testing software that madx told me about.

The score I got was a partial score of 238 remember that number psd it is 238!

I got a partial score of 238 because I didn't have the latest direct X installed DO NO WANT TO RESTART THIS THING because it will never POST.

Okay here are two screen shots:




The specs?

XP 3200
2 GB PC3200 Memory
FX 6800 256 mb DDR

I will do the same test on my new rig, but I got to name her first... :)

Here are the new tests

FIrst score was around 240 the score on my new system is close to 1050!! :)

Increase of 800 odd
how good is that madx?


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Well I had a few restart/crashing problems
all seem to be relating to my memory timings in the BIOS. I now fear to overclock I will probably need advice on that in the future. :)

I feel a bit flat now that it is all over. It was pretty much a lot of fun getting it all together but now it is all over. :(
Still 5 years from now......
Thank you everyone here that helped me on my journey, I really appreciate it.