psd99 wants a new ISP

cImrie said:
When was this ME_2001?

thats a very good question, according to my invoices it must have been the begining of jan this year as i was connected on the 19th
Hmm, there are a lot of reports that Tiscali are refusing to give MAC codes, and also the fact they are not enlisted with Ofcom to HAVE to provide a MAC makes me a little worried.

Most respectable providers are on the Ofcom list stating they WILL provide a MAC code when a client wishes to leave, but as of yet, well as of a month ago, Tiscali were not obliged to provide a MAC.

Nildram say i should beable to get a Max signal now. BT upgraded something?

If i go to the BT Wholesale site it now says i should get a 6MB minimum. What do you think? :)
Go for it i would say!

There are still some teething problems with ADSL Max, however ISPs now have the know how to get them fixed promptly.
Cool, well i thought the same, and went for it. Nildram did say if it dont work out they will put me back on the original package for no extra cost. :)
AOL are reliable and have no download limits . You can fix most problems by using the "re-build adapter" feature or by reinstalling . Support gets there in the end but costs and is a lengthy proccess , it sucks . I'm on a 512k line and I can download at 50kB/s . Had some probs with the new modem they sent me free of charge , some of that was down to me being unorganised . Overall not a bad service though seeing as I've talked them into giving me 512k at £9.99 a month on a month by month package :D:p
Abarbarian said:
AOL are reliable and have no download limits . You can fix most problems by using the "re-build adapter" feature or by reinstalling . Support gets there in the end but costs and is a lengthy proccess , it sucks . I'm on a 512k line and I can download at 50kB/s . Had some probs with the new modem they sent me free of charge , some of that was down to me being unorganised . Overall not a bad service though seeing as I've talked them into giving me 512k at £9.99 a month on a month by month package :D:p

nah mate
i hate aol

mainly because of their annoying software
take the sofware away they do sound alrite

I was on AOL dial-up for 6 or 7 years before I went Broadband.

Why? I hear you ask :)

One reason. Unlimited downloads. Every other ISP at the time cut you off after two hours or so of downloading.

With AOL I was able to download Windows XP Service Pack One. Took me, like, 15 hours, but I got it :)

And they're cheap. And the helpline, at the time, worked well.

Also, they got all these chat groups, I did have some fun winding up (in a nice way) the religious groups :)

I do believe I once saved a Christian transvestite from topping him/herself, but that's another story.

AOL's software is crap, but you don't have to use it. Just log on with AOL, minimise their browser, then use browser of your choice. Simple. That's what I used to do.

Look, I'm not coming out in favour of AOL, not entirely, but don't diss 'em until you've fully explored what it is you require.
This is probably helpfull


Sorry, but that is a crap link.

No mention of Zen or any other quality ISP at all.

Tiscali? Gimme a break :lol:

All I'm saying is that AOL will suit some people, my Mum, for instance, is quite happy with it.

My Mum is 75 years old :)
Well I have to laugh ...

AOL uses the exact same equipment as BT, it even has BT stamped on it ... uses the same lines as BT, and therefore the same exchanges ... but cost more than BT.

You do not need AOL's "software" as, you do not need BTs software ... once the line is activated and your modem is connected then just use Firefox ;) or IE ... setting up your email is just as simple.

Yes ... they "plainly" state there is a download limit ... and, your point is?

You should see my collection of Linux downloads, mainly DVDs these days, not to mention the "other stuff" that, err, one downloads. I came close one month, but, if you read the small print, you will also see that they will NOT cut you off.

And no, I don't care if you think I am advertising or what ... if NTL were in my street, I would be signing up that day.

As for "Tisk tisk ally" and MAC codes, well that, I'm afraid, is what you get from a two-bit company.

Cable modems have to use a MAC address ... ADSL does not, but you will still find one on the Router, just read the label.

Who should I go with??? ... Ford or Vauxhall???

Please, have a read for yourselves ...


Mucks, if your referring to the MAC codes i was talking about, their entirely different to that of a "Mac Address" as in a identifier for a networked piece of equipment.

A "Mac Code" i was referring to is to Port/Transfer your service from one provider to another.
floppybootstomp said:
I do believe I once saved a Christian transvestite from topping him/herself, but that's another story.

AOL's software is crap, but you don't have to use it. Just log on with AOL, minimise their browser, then use browser of your choice. Simple. That's what I used to do.


saved his or would it be HER life?

well i dont like the thought of having to open up aol or installing their BROWSER
that just would be so annoying.

Im looking around at the moment i pay £30 a month for 1mb
i thought this is a v poor price
but looking around if im gona pay less im gona get monthly allowance limits
at the moment i got unlimited downloads

the mission is to find me a supplier 1mb
unlimited downloads for less than £30
so far looks like mission impossible
I can only get 512k speeds due to my location so I'm obviously looking for ISP's that suit me .
Floppybootstomp and muckshifter both make good points . It don't matter who your ISP is if you use Firefox etc or have your e-mail with Googlemail etc . You need to look at what you want , unlimited downloads , speed etc etc . For me at the moment even if i wasn't paying a reduced rate , AOl are the cheapest with Eclipse running a close second best .

AOL- BT comparison ,

lol i swear prices are meant to be really low
it looks abt the same as it was abt 3 years ago when i first got adsl!
what a joke
PSD it's not really a Joke, you have to look at it this way.

Bandwidth costs a lot of money, now on 1MB ADSL Unlimited, you do realise you can push 300GB through that line in any single month, now most ISP's offer it as Unlimited but would warn you if you even used half of that amount due to their Fair Usage Policies which tag along with most unlimited plans.

That quote i gave you earlier via PM was for totally Unlimited, no policies, we'd actually reserve that bandwidth on our equipment just for you, as we don't oversell, thus why you may of thought at first why the price was still inline with your current package.

It's a strange 'ol world in selling BroadBand, most end users do not take the whole idea into account, and think well the price is expensive, you don't really get quality for pennies anymore, things do cost a fair amount of cash, but it depends who you go with, and what their infrastructure is like, who they take transit from, customer support, where are they based are all factors you should be thinking along with the price.

I do hope you find the package your looking for, but i really hope you don't make the decision of going with a crap company based on the price alone.
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