Proxomitron (Should be OT)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paul Blarmy
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Translation - Roger doesn't accept the FAQ so that means that the
majority of acf readers don't accept it.

Everybody who have been here a while know that this is an old debate
which comes up now and then, and you simply do not have the support of
the majority for your faq, and for your very rigid definition of

You might want to illustrate your views by mentioning some programs
which you do _not_ consider to be freeware but which are often mentioned

For example Proxomitron, what is your position on this program, is it
freeware or not, is it off-topic or not?

The new category free online services we are beginning to list now, are
they off-topic here or not according to you?

Tell us what you really want, give us concrete examples, and let's see
how much support you get for your views.
Control freaks, who love to excercise power over other people want very
clear rules, so they can jump on offenders and feel very righteous when
they do it.
Real life people know that reality never is purely black and white, and
that we need to think for ourselves.

Well said Roger.!! A.....sock puppet???? Noooooooooo, of
course not! Just a concerned lurker!


The only reason for the post was to beat JC and other purists over the
head with their own words. Sarcasm raised to a near art form.

Indeed, a troll who took advanatage of the OP's somewhat naive question,
assuming the OP wasn't trolling himself.
In other words, to be a hit and run ass.

Despite probably understanding this (again assuming none of them were
involved in the original trolling post) ,you see the usual suspects at it
again, eg John Fitzsimons , Roger Johansson , Vic etc

Aaron (my email is not munged!)
Roger Johansson said:
For all practical purposes it is freeware.

I was present in the prox mailing list for years and Scott never made
any fuss about this, I cannot even remember him mentioning it.

The moment I saw this thread; I knew there was going to be hell to pay
once my girlfriend wrote a comment on it :)

For R.L. and others.... pokeystar is her nick & account & why you
never hear of it before. I was/am at her place reading/posting the
newsgroups. She, being the boss, decided to vent her comments after
'WE' had strong words on the matter. I lost ; she won :(
BTW, R.L., yes she does use it.
My nick is phantomshroom// or //ozzy :) Yes, that might ring a few
bells from discussions we've had before or it may not. Next time I use
her pc; I think i'll setup my own agent newsreader & not use her addy.

I will stand by her views (got to or she'll hurt me LOL) but I did see
Paul originally ask for comments but I don't think this was what he
had in mind. She did/does come across in the replies as arrogant but
that is my fault. I antagonised her just prior to her post.

My personnal views are that I *think* the intent by Scott, the author,
was to be forever freeware. I believe R.L ., Roger J, Alastair &
several others also hold this belief. Others may disagree but that is
their choice.

Roger J wrote "...I was present in the prox mailing list for years and
Scott never made any fuss about this, I cannot even remember him
mentioning it...." I do not know Roger but I believe this & this was
what I based my choice on.

Alastair wrote "...This chap wrote a great programme, gave it away for
those who wished to use it, and has now sadly died. This is a time for
thanking him, not for knocking him." I don't believe anyone was
knocking Scott or his program. It is an excellent program. I think the
issue was whether is was truly freeware or not.

Other comments that came to light during this discussion ref the acf
faq were not needed. The majority of the ACF readers may not accept it
but I think that *most* of it; in principle; is not in question
therefore it is still listed as a main reference source on the
pricelessware homepages. There was enough fighting/bickering on other
issues recently to last most of us a lifetime. Isn't it time to just
move on & agree to disagree. There is enough quality freeware out
there that should be consuming our time for discussion, not trivial

Sorry I took up so much of your time.

ozzy :)
(on pokeystar's pc)
On 18 Jul 2004 14:24:49 GMT, Aaron wrote...
Indeed, a troll who took advanatage of the OP's somewhat naive question,
assuming the OP wasn't trolling himself.

As the OP, let me confirm to you 'Aaron' that my post was not naive in my
eyes nor was it a 'troll'. If you 'Aaron' choose to think the worst to
suit your own theory then so be it but that certainly wasn't the
intention from my end.
On 18 Jul 2004 08:40:08 -0700, pokeystar wrote...
I will stand by her views (got to or she'll hurt me LOL) but I did see
Paul originally ask for comments but I don't think this was what he
had in mind.

It certainly wasn't!
(e-mail address removed) (pokeystar) says in
ozzy :)
(on pokeystar's pc)

lol :-) hi ozzy!! Yes, I remember you, yes I do. That was
funny [laughing....] Hope you enjoy your stay!

Unofficial Adaware Updater (+other goodies)
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Aaron said:
Indeed, a troll who took advanatage of the OP's somewhat naive question,
assuming the OP wasn't trolling himself.

Despite probably understanding this (again assuming none of them were
involved in the original trolling post) ,you see the usual suspects at it
again, eg John Fitzsimons , Roger Johansson , Vic etc
Tho I know Vic has been on the opposite side of the fence on the
freeware definition question, he has always stood out to me as someone
who makes good points and is not just trolling or flaming. Most of the
anti-JC contigent are simply flaming trolls and baying hounds... which
makes it real hard to get behind their 'thoughts'.
(e-mail address removed) (pokeystar) says in
ozzy :)
(on pokeystar's pc)

lol :-) hi ozzy!! Yes, I remember you, yes I do. That was
funny [laughing....] Hope you enjoy your stay!
I hope my misfortune & stupidity of arguing with the 'boss' has amused many of
you. At least someone will get some benefit from this fiasco :)

It's going to be a while before things settle down here. I really ruffled some
feathers on the home front. When will we males learn... to NEVER argue with a
woman.... they're always right.....

I think I'll be safer in Afghanistan, without weapons, carrying a sign saying
'I hate Iraqui's...' than here right now.... :(

John Fitzsimons wrote:
Everybody who have been here a while know that this is an old debate
which comes up now and then, and you simply do not have the support of
the majority for your faq, and for your very rigid definition of

< snip >

Repeating something that isn't correct doesn't make it correct. Feel
free to keep pretending everyone agrees with your disagreement if
you wish. :-)

< space left here so that Roger can insert again "you simply do not
have the support of the majority for your faq" >
Repeating something that isn't correct doesn't make it correct. Feel
free to keep pretending everyone agrees with your disagreement if
you wish. :-)

You are the one who pretends that the majority backs up your views and
your faq.

You still have not clarified what you really want.
Give us practical examples of what programs you see as offtopic in your
view. Proxomitron? etc..

You snipped the rest of my message without answering my questions, and I
know why you do not give concrete examples. You know that it would make
it clear that you do not have the majority behind you.

Give us a list of concrete examples.
On 18 Jul 2004 14:24:49 GMT, Aaron wrote...

As the OP, let me confirm to you 'Aaron' that my post was not naive in
my eyes nor was it a 'troll'. If you 'Aaron' choose to think the worst
to suit your own theory then so be it but that certainly wasn't the
intention from my end.

Okay so it wasn't a troll. That leaves......