Proximodo -Proxomitron clone

  • Thread starter Thread starter Aaron
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Like proxomitron only, open source.

"Proximodo acts as a mediator between the browser and the website. It
"sees" everything that is going on and, according to your choices,
modifies headers and html page content on-the-fly to make things right.
You don't want pop-ups and banners? Just activate the corresponding
filters and they will disappear. You want cookies to be deleted when you
close your browser? Proximodo will do it for you. You want a fast
navigation in the pages you already visited? Page caching will be forced.

Basically, Proximodo is a clone of a great piece of software called The
Proxomitron, developed by Scott R. Lemmon. Now that for sad reasons
Proxomitron is unmaintained, I started this project to carry on the idea.
Though a few Proxomitron features are still missing in Proximodo (mainly
SSL support) the essential is already there: 100% of Proxomitron filters
will run under Proximodo (plus there is a menu to import your custom
Proxomitron filters).

Proximodo currently comes with default Proxomitron filters, which can do
quite a lot of different things. But you can write your own filters,
using a powerful syntax that, despite its seeming complexity, is quite
easy to use and master.


Proximodo currently offers the same features as Proxomitron, with a few

What is has more:

* Multilingual GUI
* Multiplatform (thanks to wxWidgets and no use of Windows specific
* Centralized bank of filter: Proxomitron's .cfg files are replaced
by mere enumerations of active filters, i.e "Configurations"
* Export/Import filters from/to clipboard (no more need to mess with
..txt files)

What it has less (for the time being):

* SSL support
* "Add to list" in tray icon
* HTML debug info
* URL commands
Hello, Paul!
You wrote on Thu, 18 Nov 2004 11:05:06 -0500:

Maybe I'm missing something but my proxy is effortless and keeps out ads,
flash, etc. using FF. Without it I have to select ads to block using Adblock
and waste a lot of clicking and time.

Agree, less is better; just not sure how to setup to achieve it.


Colonel Blip.
E-mail: (e-mail address removed)

Not bad, for those still using an obsolete
browser.......But with Mozilla Suite or Firefox + Adblock,
all this is done by default.

*Less is More* :-)

Even the modern browsers (FX et al) can benefit from Proxo-like
s/w (don't know proximodo, yet).

Paul Urquhart said:

Not bad, for those still using an obsolete browser.......But with
Mozilla Suite or Firefox + Adblock, all this is done by default.

Comparing Proxomitron to Adblock is like comparing Excel to Windows
Not bad, for those still using an obsolete browser.......But with
Mozilla Suite or Firefox + Adblock, all this is done by default.

*Less is More* :-)

Proxomitron ( so does Proximodo ) is much more then ads/pops filter.
But I agree for most of people that is enough.

"Libor the Wanderer" <[email protected]>

Any supposed offense is because of bad english or idea formulation
and was not intended in any way.

nospam said:
Comparing Proxomitron to Adblock is like comparing Excel to Windows
Really? I haven't seen an advertisement of any kind for 3 weeks.
Really? I haven't seen an advertisement of any kind for 3

Proxomitron is _far_ more than an ad blocker.
Also, you might check Moz fora to see how many FX users _are_
seeing ads and/or popups (for watever reason).

Proxomitron is _far_ more than an ad blocker.
Also, you might check Moz fora to see how many FX users _are_
seeing ads and/or popups (for watever reason).


Yes, I used to use Proximitron and I liked it; it is a good program and
fun to use. And I'm aware of novice Fx users' problems with ads. But
it is truly amazing what Adblock can do with a few tweaks! As I say,
I've seen no ads of any kind for 3 weeks. Check out the Adblock forum,
particularly "Advanced Filters:"
I'm particularly fond of Pierceive's filter list as a starting point.
Paul Urquhart said:
Yes, I used to use Proximitron and I liked it; it is a good program and
fun to use.
As I say,
I've seen no ads of any kind for 3 weeks. Check out the Adblock forum,
particularly "Advanced Filters:"

Paul, you seem to have a one track mind. Sure you used to use Proxomitron,
but apparently you didn't 'GRASP' all that it can do. Until you can get
your head around that, then its probably best that you don't comment
further. No need to show how completely ignorant you are of Proxo's
Colonel said:
Hello, Paul!
You wrote on Thu, 18 Nov 2004 11:05:06 -0500:

Maybe I'm missing something but my proxy is effortless and keeps out ads,
flash, etc. using FF. Without it I have to select ads to block using Adblock
and waste a lot of clicking and time.

Agree, less is better; just not sure how to setup to achieve it.

G'Day Col.!

If your proxy works well for you, well and good; you don't even need
adblock. This is the procedure though:

1. Go to and scroll down to
the most recent filter list at the bottom. Open, copy, and save as a
..txt file.
2. Click tools > adblock > preferences > adblock options > import
filters (this is for moz, it might be slightly different for Fx) and
navigate to the .txt file you just saved, then import it.
3. Close and reopen Fx and you're all set.
4. If you do see anything you don't like, zap it w/adblock. I last saw
one 3 weeks ago.
Paul said:

G'Day Col.!

If your proxy works well for you, well and good; you don't even need
adblock. This is the procedure though:

1. Go to and scroll down to
the most recent filter list at the bottom. Open, copy, and save as a
.txt file.
2. Click tools > adblock > preferences > adblock options > import
filters (this is for moz, it might be slightly different for Fx) and
navigate to the .txt file you just saved, then import it.
3. Close and reopen Fx and you're all set.
4. If you do see anything you don't like, zap it w/adblock. I last saw
one 3 weeks ago.

Dear Paul:
Thank you so much!

More accurately, great news that a clone is available and will
apparently have some support and development. I doubt the original
source material is available. :(
Hello, Paul!
You wrote on Fri, 19 Nov 2004 13:29:11 -0500:

I'll give it a try and see what slips thru.


Colonel Blip.
E-mail: (e-mail address removed)
Paul Urquhart said:
G'Day Col.!

If your proxy works well for you, well and good; you don't
even need adblock. This is the procedure though:

1. Go to and
scroll down to the most recent filter list at the bottom.
Open, copy, and save as a .txt file.

Hi Paul,

In re

I trap the vibrantmedia crap. Would you know of sample pages (to
test regex) w/ the other (casalemedia, etc.)?


Doc said:
Paul, you seem to have a one track mind. Sure you used to use
Proxomitron, but apparently you didn't 'GRASP' all that it can do.
Until you can get your head around that, then its probably best that
you don't comment further. No need to show how completely ignorant you
are of Proxo's capabilities.

Anen to that. Proxomitron can do about a zillion things. Blocking ads is
just one of them.
bubba said:
Just tried proximodo and couldnt get a page to even load.had to fire
up proxomitron again. maybe the maker could shed some light on this

=== if you have Proxomitron installed you should set proximodo to use
port 8088,
and set your browser to use port 8088 when using proximodo ........
at least that's what I did in Firefox and it works ====