run a mail server obn linux, scan there and pickup from then on.
use linux as a proxy web server. Maybe.
I think i need to go in for some content filtering web proxy,
and mostly a web proxy that would be based on ICAP .
The ICAP(Lightweight HTTP based protocol (RFC3507))
based web proxy can communicate to daemon-
based ICAP-based antivirus softwareto anti-virus capabilities
and can also remove other malware by scanning
incoming content in real time before it enters the network.
Extract from RFC 3507 -
" ICAP, the Internet Content Adaption Protocol, is a protocol
aimed at providing simple object-based content vectoring for
HTTP services.
ICAP is, in essence, a lightweight protocol for executing a
"remote procedure call" on HTTP messages. It allows ICAP
clients to pass HTTP messages to ICAP servers for some
sort of transformation or other processing ("adaptation").
The server executes its transformation service on messages
and sends back responses to the client, usually with
modified messages. The adapted messages may be
either HTTP requests or HTTP responses.
Surrogates or origin servers can avoid performing
expensive operations by shipping the work off to other
servers instead. This helps distribute load across multiple
machines. For example,
consider a user attempting to download an executable
program via a surrogate (e.g., a caching proxy). The
surrogate, acting as an ICAP client, can ask an external
server to check the executable for viruses before
accepting it into its cache. "
So, i think, this is one better way of providing
the data from internet to windows(Guest OS)
from linux(Host OS).
Any other thoughts ?
Thx in advans,
Karthik Balaguru