Answers in-line... Look for the 3 asterisks! (Hope I got everything)
Gina Whipp
2010 Microsoft MVP (Access)
"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors
Hi Gina -
I had a chance to digest all your helpful info...
I have rewritten all the tables I think I need based on the info you
provided me. I have included a few questions next to a few fields and have
included questions after some tables that apply to the table in general.
I also included some future stuff I want to address down the road. I know I
am a far way from most, if not all, of these things, but I wanted to lay
out there now in case we needed to set up additional things within the
foundation and tables in order to make them work.
Thanks again so much for your help! Here it goes...
cCompanyID (pk) - autonumber
****cStateID (Oops forogt that field)
cClientTypeID (fk)
cPropertyTypeID (fk)
ctClientTypeID (pk) - autonumber
ctClientType - lookup (Current, Prospect, Hybrid)
ccCompanyContactID (pk) - autonumber
ccCompanyID (fk)
ccClientType (fk)
ccContactType - yes/no (Main contact or not? ***Yep that is what that is
****ccStateID (Oops forogt that field)
ccBidSchedule - calendar - This will be a date. Does this work? ***If this
a many field which means if there are going to be many dates to on COmpany
Contact then this will need to broken out... but will wait for you answer.
--Query will determine if the contact is the main contact. If yes, the
company main phone will show along with direct and cell phone options. If
no, only the direct and cell phone options will appear. Same thing for
contact address. Query will determine if the contact is at the main company
address. If yes, the company address will populate. If not, the address
fields will remain blank to be filled in. Is that correct?
***Yes that is correct.
--Do I need to create a CityID table? I have CityID a few places in
different tables but haven't created a CityID table yet.
***I use one because you'd be surprised how many typos people can make when
typing their own city name. So yes, you need a City table should you decide
to go that route OR you could change it to CityName and let people type.
--Is there a way to set alerts associated with the ccBidSchedule? So our
staff is reminded (via email?) of an upcoming bid opening?
***Yes and here's a link to get you started when you are ready...
aDate - calendar
aActivityTypeID (fk)
aStaffID (fk)
aCollateralTypeID (fk)
aNotes - text
aDone - yes/no
atActivityTypeID (pk) - autonumber
atActivityType - lookup (Phone Conversation, Phone VM, Meeting, Email, Mail,
--Is there a way to set an activities schedule reminder to alert staff to
follow up with a prospect?
***See above link
ctCollateralTypeID(pk) - autonumber
ctCollateralType - lookup (Newsletter, Sustainable Brochure, Stick Brochure,
Complete Marketing Package)
***Please give me a little background on how you plan to use the above
pPropertyID (pk) - autonumber
pCompanyID (fk)
****pStateID (Oops forogt that field)
pPropertyTypeID (fk)
pReceivership - yes/no
pCurrentVendorID (fk)
pInterior - yes/no
pBidSchedule - calendar
pAreaScheduleID (fk)
pNotes - text (255)
--I am a little confused. I want to make sure each property has a contact
assigned to it, but I am not sure if you put a contact foreign key in the
tblProperty or you put a property foreign key in the tblCompanyContact or
***That is what the tblPropertyContact is for
--Did you create the tblPropertyContact in case a contact hasn't already
been entered, but you have a new property and you need to assign a contact
it? I am a little confused why I have tblCompanyContact and
tblPropertyContact. Fred mentioned that it is important to link a property
to a company rather than link it to a contact, which is very helpful once
property contract is won. However, this is a prospective client database so
I am not so sure that is the best way to link them. Thoughts?
***No, the Property Contact should be in tblProperty, there is a seperate
table for them. Fred is correct (and it is the only way I do it) because
Contacts (people) come and go but Companies usually hang around. If the
person quits you still want to know what Company to deal with, understand
better now?
--If possible, I would like to work with the ccBidSchedule. Similar to what
you did with the main phone number situation with the tblCompany and
tblCompanyContact.I should be able to choose if the pBidScheule is the same
as the ccBidSchedule. If yes, it will populate in this area. If no, I will
have the option to choose a new date.
***Once you answer my question above regarding BidSchedule we will work on
table ideas.
--Same question as before, is there a way to set alerts associated with the
pBidSchedule? So our staff is reminded (via email?) of an upcoming bid
***See link above...
vVendorID (pk) - autonumber
pvPropertyID (fk)
pvVendorID (fk)
--Why is this table (tblPropertyVendors) necessary. All I am looking for
with the tblCurrentVendors is who the property currently uses for their
commercial landscaping. Who currently holds that contract. I tweaked the
previous tblVendors you had to make the tblCurrentVendors because I am not
interested in whether they do interior or exterior work, I just want to know
who currently services that property.
***No, you will be able to pull that information via query. Because a
Vendor is Vendor whether Current or not.
So, I ended up also adding back the
pInterior field into the tblProperty because I just want to know (yes or no)
whether that property has interior needs. All companies have exterior
that is why they are in the database to begin with, but some may also have
interior and this is where I would answer that question. Does that work?
***Yes putting that field back in is okay BUT think about tomorrow... Are
you SURE you are never going to want to pull seperate lists for Exterior
Vendors or Interior Vendors? If the answer is *maybe* then put it back in
the Vendor table but you can leave it in the Property table, though I would
remove it and leave the tblPropertyVendors.
asAreaScheduleID (pk) - autonumber
asAreaSchedule - lookup (Area 1, Area 2, Area 3, Area 4, Area 5)
***Please elaborate what the above table will be used for?
tbl PropertyContact
pcPropertyContactID (pk) - Don't you need this???? It wasn't in your last
***Optional, not *every* table needs a Primary Key.
pcPropertyID (fk)
pcClientType (fk) - Don't you need this??? Just like in tblCompanyContact?
***Yes, it is actually to store Property Type but I like all my PK's and
FK's to share the same name so I can know by glancing which table it is
linked to.
pcContactType - yes/no (Main contact or not?)
pcBidSchedule - calendar - Don't you need this?
***I am trying to understand Bid Schedule, see above
pcStatus - What is this for???
***I thought you wanted to know if the Contact is still active or not, if
not, can be removed.
--I sort of asked this in an above question, but can you explain why I need
a tblCompanyContact and a tblPropertyContact. I am sure there is a very
logical answer but I am just not getting it yet.
***Company Contact store just that and the same for Property Contacts. Each
has their own contacts. Perhaps I don't understand your question?
--Will this table be able to do the same main phone and main address query
like the tblCompanyContact?
--Same question as before, if possible, I would like to work with the
ccBidSchedule. Similar to what you did with the main phone number situation
with the tblCompany and tblCompanyContact.I should be able to choose if the
pcBidScheule is the same as the ccBidSchedule. If yes, it will populate in
this area. If no, I will have the option to choose a new date.
***See above
--Same question as before, is there a way to set alerts associated with the
pcBidSchedule (if that is even a necessary field in this table)? So our
staff is reminded (via email?) of an upcoming bid opening?
**See above
ptPropertyTypeID (pk) - autonumber
ptPropertyType - lookup (Office, Retail, Industrial, Hospitality, Multiple)
sStaffID (pk)
sStaffName - lookup (insert all staff names)
bBidID (pk) - autonumber
bPropertyID (fk)
bStaffID (fk)
bBidStatusID (fk)
bsBidStatusID (pk) - autonumber
bsBidStatusType - lookup (Pending, Won, Lost)
bBidID (fk)
bAttachment - text (255)
***No OLE Object data type, you store a path to the file which can be
opened. OLE objects quickly fill up your database making it grow and you
don't want to hit the 2 gig limit that fast.
pbPropertyID (fk)
pbBidID (fk)
--Why is tblPropertyBids necessary?
**Can't a Property have more then one bid?
--Do you need to put a foreign key for the BidID into the tblProperty?
Again, this is an example of when I am not sure which table gets the foreign
***No, it is linked by PropertyID no need to link by anything else.
--Email prospective clients directly in Access ***Can be done
--Track email correspondence automatically as an activity in tblActivities
--Send collateral attachments directly in email within Access ***Can be done
as long in predetermined path OR will have to have a Browse for folder
--If necessary, link emails sent through Boomerang (3rd party email service)
with tblActivities ***Don't know, never used Boomerang
--Link contact info with Outlook ***While I have not done it, it can be
--Upload email templates to be used for Access email **Need more
information as to what you mean by templates
--Populate contact info into email templates
--Download company, contact, and property info into MS Word bids and
contract templates ***Have a look at...
--Download company and contact street address info for mail merge ***See
--Set an alert to notify sales staff via email when a new prospect is added
**Yes can be done
-- Potentially build out search option for pPastTGCBid within tblProperty so
once bids come back around, I can search past bids within database and have
those past bid amounts at my fingertips - Very much a future project. Not
something needed now. ***Yes can be done
--Build current client side of database - Very much a future project. **Yes
can be done. Would actually import in table and create field for Client or
Prospect, similar to a Yes/No field. That way they are all in the same
place and you can filter if you only want to see one or the other.
Thanks again!