Susan Bugher wrote:
I think I understand your concerns and share them - to some extent.
My position is that the more information we give people (especially
newbies) the easier it is for them to form their own opinions and act
upon them.
ISTM the "welcome" message can be made less susceptible to future
abuse. I'll work on proposed revisions to accomplish that and hope
that we all can achieve a meeting of the minds.
This newsgroup has survived all these years without such a notice, and
newbies always seemed to have found what they needed rather easily by
simply asking here in the newsgroup.
What has changed that a need for this now required?
And since when is anyone allowed to propose such things and implement
such things for this group and in this group?
We can do these things for PL, but we can't do these things like this
in the group itself.
On a group level, nobody can authorize this at all since this is an
umoderated group. But! as I was trying to imply in an earlier post,
you are more than welcome as an individual to post whatever you want.
But if you do, you should not assume in your post that you are
representing this group, only yourself.