program permissions

  • Thread starter Thread starter SuperSlueth
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Vista said:
This is total garbage from you. I do in-house development work as a
contractor. I have gone through the conversion of applications from one
platform to a different platform on more than a few occasions to know
what it takes.

I have converted servers applications from one platform to another
platform along with in-house applications that run on the servers. I
have gone through the data conversion between like applications on
different platforms.

I have taken applications that were written in one language and
converted them over to another language. I have been down the road that
you have never traveled in your life on more than a few occasions.

You have a corporation there stupid, and there are other stake holders
there that are going to be at the table and have a say as to what
happens, other than OP and his boss.

You are talking off the wall smoke and mirror nonsense, plain and simple
from a dumb home-user perspective, and you have no clue as to what it
takes to execute a conversion from one platform to another platform, nor
do you know what you are talking about.

You can comeback a post some more smoke and mirror nonsense, because
your head is too hard.

I am through with you and your idiocy, get lost.

Again, you do not know what programs the OP is referring to and come up
with your CV in a lame attempt to cover up the fact that you don't know
what you're talking about.

If you want me to "get lost", make me.

Vista Succubus Hunter said:
This is total garbage from you. I do in-house development work as a

Aha... the asswipe from Ohio is back with yet another new name (older
names: Mr. Arnold, Jack the Ripper, and a bunch more... including
spoofs of other users in these groups).
Alias wrote:

<It's not read, nor was the previous one.>

Your just too stupid to let it go and move on, huh?
Vista said:
Alias wrote:

<It's not read, nor was the previous one.>

Your just too stupid to let it go and move on, huh?

LOL! Is this your latest back pedal?

Alias wrote:


Go get a life Alias, instead of you proving day in and day out that you
have none. Your sole purpose here is to bamboozle, hood wink and run
your con game.
Vista said:
Alias wrote:


Go get a life Alias,

Got one, thanks.
instead of you proving day in and day out that you
have none. Your sole purpose here is to bamboozle, hood wink and run
your con game.

And this con game would be what?

This should be good if you have the balls to spell it out (you don't).

Vista Succubus Hunter said:
Alias wrote:


Go get a life Alias, instead of you proving day in and day out that you
have none. Your sole purpose here is to bamboozle, hood wink and run
your con game.

Still have a job, dickwad, or are you back on unemployment again?
Alias wrote:


Why is it that you the *clown* must choke out a thread every chance you get?
Jim said:
Still have a job, dickwad, or are you back on unemployment again?

Stupid, I am still working the DoD contract the company has who is a
leader of the type of solutions provided in the industry, as a full-
time employee, being paid top $$$$$$$$ for my expertise.

As they told me before I joined the organization, come join our team,
because the DoD, the government, always has work to do, we are the
leaders in the industry and we like your expertise and track record, to
help us develop our solutions for the private sector too.

I am set, and I am going to retire out of there. But most likely even in
retirement, I am going to continue to code and get paid on the side.

What are you doing? :-P
Alias said:
You can say whatever you want and you still won't be going anywhere.


Yeah home user, you keep peddling Linux and toasters, and collect your
green stamps.