Bazzer Smith
kony said:It seems possible you had a jumper on the capacity limit
Yes the jumper guide was rather confusing, it didn't show
jumper setting for slave, because the correct setting was no jumper.
Probably not that unusual, but I was fairly convinced the 'standard'
settings were. master, slave. c/s, starting at the IDE cable end.
If choosing between partition or whatever, it depends a lot
on what, whatever is.
True, I think I will not bother with partitions for the time being.
If the only purpose is semi-large music and video files, no
point partitioning it for that alone. If on the other hand
you were working with these files as-in editing, it might be
useful to partition off the first, faster portion of the
drive to keep the I/O faster... but for playback purposes,
it won't matter with the typical compressions used in
popular formats.
Maybe I will split in half, my current drive of 80 meg is not even full yet.
I think it might have two platters, would that be a sensible? Seperating
the two platters?
Also if you have the disk full of 'stuff' is that a major problem if you
want to reorganise it? (Change partitions sizes?).
I'm new to this stuff.
Why not let power management do what it was meant to, spin
down the drive after a period of inactivity? Relatively
speaking, an asleep drive doesn't use much power.
It seemed qute warm when the bios was not even detecting it,
had me a bit worried!!!