Claire in Montréal, France.
Donald McTrevor said:
Wow your sixth post on the topic and you actually get round to mentioning
how your printer is connected to your printer.
The mind boggles as to what other relevant information you have missed out.
Anyway the only thing broadband and you printer have in common is the
USB so therein is likely to be the problem.
I don't know much about USB but a router might solve the problem.
However what I would say is that using the USB to connect your broadband
is probably not the best way if you have and ethernet connect/port (or
I was told that ethernet connection was more efficient and my momden came
with to connections, USB and ethernet, unfortunately my computer doesnt have
ethernet port (but I bet yours does, even though you carefully omitted to
say what computer
it is) so I had to use USB.
So if I were you I would try connecting to your BB modem via ethernet
rather than a USB connection.
Sorry about that, being new to this group, I believe I did mention that,
I havn't mentioned everything I should.
Ok I have 2 USB ports on the computer tower and one is used by the printer,
the other is used by a powered USB splitter into which I pug the broadband
box and the scanner and the digital camera , it's a 4 way splitter but I
currently use only 3.
I do not have an earthernet socket.
I had considered using the "old fashioned" printer connection but the out
lead of the printer is usb only. So this has not proved possible.
I posted here to find out why a router would help as all I had been able to
find on routers was how they spread/ share the broadband with all other
computers in the house. I am asuming, prahaps rather simply that it will
help with spooling/ sorting out the information so that the printer and
broad band don't become confused, and I was rather hoping that one of you
more knowledgable people would be able to confirm that. I didn't want to buy
a router and find it was no good for the job I want it to do seeing as I
don't want to buy it for it's primary purpose.
Sorry I didn't post all the info on my computer, I don't know what else you
need to know
Printer Canon iP15000 Windows Me 128 Mbram 2 Usb port etc etc
Claire in Montréal, France.