Ken Blake, MVP
That statement was not made by me.
I didn't say it was, Gerry. The statement was made by Lil' Dave. He
"Assuming you have adequate RAM, you can cause the PC to create an
unfragmented pagefile."
and I responded (to him, not to you)
"Defragmenting the page file normally is a waste of time. Because
access to it is random anyway, a fragmented page file has practically
no performance penalty."
That's all I said. For some reason that I don't understand, since you
apparently agree with that statement in what you say below, you took
exception to it.
However, the statement has no bearing
on the distinction I have been trying to get you to admit exists. Namely
that maintaining a single block on the hard disk allocated to the
pagefile is not the same as defragmenting the pagefile. Once you achieve
the first you need do no more other than not change the pagefile
settings. If you chose to defragment the pagefile you would need to do
it continuously. We both agree this is pointless.
Gerry, as far as I'm concerned, you're throwing a red herring into
this. That has nothing to do with the statement I made that you took
exception to.
But I don't want to get into a fight with you, or anyone else, over
this. As far as I'm concerned, the subject is closed, and I won't
continue the thread any longer. If your opinion is different from
mine, I'll simply accept that we have different views on it.