It has been years now since we heard anything from Scott Lemon who
created Proxomitron.
How long can he be upset because somebody discovered a potentially bad
flaw in his program?
The way Proxomitron, of a certain version and with a certain setting,
bypasses a proxy can be very bad for somebody who uses anonymity proxies
because it blows his cover, that is what the controversy was about.
When somebody criticized the program for that he got so upset that he
just disappeared, and have still not shown up again.
Proxomitron is definitely not dead. If anything, it is even more
relevant now than it was a couple of years ago. The program is only
an interface which does not require any more updating. It is the
filters that are most important, and new ones are being written every
day. I've added at least have a dozen in the last month or so. You
can download new filters, make requests & bring new web privacy
issues to attention in http://groups.yahoo.com/group/prox-list/ .
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