Print "logger" tool

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Re your OT darling, you might enjoy this review:

Very nice one. And very true, indeed. But shamefully incomplete 'Pro'
section... ;-)
Confession: one part of cause for my pointing you to that URL, it rises
from the realm of Ulterior Motives. For the chance that it might lead
you to browse the site a bit, possibly finding projects from Cub Lea that
you find interesting. They're Delphi, and released with source [*].

Hm. Let's have a look:

| The software in this archive is about as interesting as a colorectal exam
| and almost as pleasant, but some of us do happen to have egos to feed.

Really nice and inspiring! ;-)
* Re the source code. I should concurrently mention that re-use might be
restricted (?). I'm only an end-user type, and didn't investigate that.

Maybe the permission to use the source is not the most important
question which arises:

| As one veteran Delphi programmer told me, "We're not laughing with you,
| Cub. We're laughing at you."

Nevertheless an amusing site to browse... ;-)
<the following tangent is ignoring whichever license issues, so consider
it strictly theoretical>

One thing I checked on today. It was whether ResHacker would let me
edit the menus for the prog. I have done that kind of thing on occasion
when it was reasonably easy to approach. For instance, Win32pad, when
the context-object is an URL, its menu is all crippled; and ResHacker
allows repair of that.

On BKR, I took a look, and that was about it.
I saw no obvious thing to try, within my simple range. So I abandoned
this approach.


ResHacker won't help you here. It's not an issue of resources but with
the code. They assigned a help topic to the controls in question, but
no own popup menu (handler). So the standard handler of the main window
processes the task, which in general only provides this little 'help'
popup menu in such cases.
Part of my mouse orientation there has to do with history of having animals
who require physical attention during leisure computing time, and who get
mad if both hands are taken away full-time for keyboard use.

Just a guess: You didn't have an aquarium full of piranha... ;-)
Still, it's too bad that the problem wasn't solved at the level of the
development of the program, for it to have already included the standard
copy-paste command for context menu within the edit dialog.

Maybe, if you ask them, they'll provide a v2.1 version? It shouldn't
be too much work to include the functionality.
Other than that one tangle, BKReplacem makes me very happy. Such a powerful
program. One whose full set of abilities can be found nowhere else....


B. R. 'BeAr' Ederson said:
[...] to browse the site a bit, possibly finding projects from Cub Lea that
you find interesting. They're Delphi, and released with source [*].

Hm. Let's have a look:

| The software in this archive is about as interesting as a colorectal exam
| and almost as pleasant, but some of us do happen to have egos to feed.

Really nice and inspiring! ;-)

Yep, doesn't make that sound terribly tempting. :)

The navigation on that page <>
isn't clear. That TOC at the type has jumps within that page blended in
with the important one -- which is to another page, an exclusive list of
what he feels substantially better about distributing.

o Good Windows utilities
(Plain Brown Power master download list)

[or noframe: ]

I haven't yet tried a lot of what's on the Plain Brown Paper list....

I had tried a couple of the note-taker programs (Notestack and Ticklist),
and found them pretty interesting to explore. Tho' they did not succeed
in making it into my habits for routine use.

What he has that most interests me is the GUI frontend for HELPDECO
(for extracting contents of .hlp files).

It's the only program I've found for this role. The other one he
mentions to have been created, I've never been able to locate it.
The download link at has been dead for quite a long
time, and none of my searches ever turned out successful results.
| As one veteran Delphi programmer told me, "We're not laughing with you,
| Cub. We're laughing at you."

Nevertheless an amusing site to browse... ;-)

Agree. In his self-deprecating humor, he's often quite funny. Another
excerpt, regarding the package of 16-color icons he offers for download:

| This is the finest graphics work I've ever produced, and prompted this
| comment from one downloader: "I used to think farmers shouldn't get paid
| for not growing crops. After seeing these though, I think you should get
| paid for not making icons."
B. R. 'BeAr' Ederson said:

ResHacker won't help you here. It's not an issue of resources but with
the code. They assigned a help topic to the controls in question, but
no own popup menu (handler). So the standard handler of the main window
processes the task, which in general only provides this little 'help'
popup menu in such cases.

Ah. Thank you for explaining what's going on. That'll save me from futile
Just a guess: You didn't have an aquarium full of piranha... ;-)

Your guess is right. I wouldn't have much use for a mouse if kept those
guys for my pettable pets. Messing with the wrong beasties could land one
in a very new situation, of needing to use voice-activated input instead.
Maybe, if you ask them, they'll provide a v2.1 version? It shouldn't
be too much work to include the functionality.

That sounds like a good idea. At least for when I might manage to do any
emailing. No loss in asking...
What he has that most interests me is the GUI frontend for HELPDECO
(for extracting contents of .hlp files).

It's the only program I've found for this role. The other one he
mentions to have been created, I've never been able to locate it.
The download link at has been dead for quite a long
time, and none of my searches ever turned out successful results.

Helpmaster hasn't fixed some links. If you try this one you should
get the program:
Agree. In his self-deprecating humor, he's often quite funny. Another
excerpt, regarding the package of 16-color icons he offers for download:

| This is the finest graphics work I've ever produced, and prompted this
| comment from one downloader: "I used to think farmers shouldn't get paid
| for not growing crops. After seeing these though, I think you should get
| paid for not making icons."


B. R. 'BeAr' Ederson said:
Helpmaster hasn't fixed some links. If you try this one you should
get the program:

Well, that one is also by Cub Lea. Excerpts from the readme:

| HELPDECOntrol: an interface to HELPDECO.EXE
| Mailing address
| ---------------
| Cub Lea
| Credits
| =======
| Developed by Cub Lea with the assistance of William Brooks (32 bit version).

But -- thank you for that download. I didn't know of it. Cub Lea doesn't
make it available on his site. He makes available his "Help Decompiler
Shell" ( and, and makes available the 16-bit version
of his "HELPDECOntrol" ( His not having the 32-bit version of
that on his site, perhaps it's to do with not having got permission from
his assistant developer, or who knows.

The program that I have hunted for in vain, it's this one:
| The only real competitor to Help Decompiler Shell. If you need
| something quick and simple and don't mind sacrificing a few
| features for free software, this is worth a look. (Link is near
| page bottom.)
| HDS - HelpDeco Shell
| HDS is now a complete shell with full redirection and print
| capabilities to use HELPDECO without the need to run it from MS-DOS
| or Windows 95/98 command line.
| HDS is not a stand-alone utility and you must have HELPDECO installed
| on your computer to use it.
| Freeware by Franco Papassissa
| * HDS 2.2 (195kb)

The link there to <>, it comes out
empty, redirecting to some unrelated web page...
omega said:
B. R. 'BeAr' Ederson said:
Helpmaster hasn't fixed some links. If you try this one you should
get the program:

Well, that one is also by Cub Lea. [...]
HDS - HelpDeco Shell [...]
The link there to <>, it comes out
empty, redirecting to some unrelated web page...

BeAr, the information, it did the magic trick.

I'd tried for the file in the past, but had used, and not thought to work with

At last, I've now several GUI frontends for helpdeco, where for years had
been stuck at zero. I've sought this for a while. The helpdeco commandline
prog alone is ok, but graphical tools can offer worthwhile conveniences.

As to purpose, if anyone might be wondering. It's that I like to be able
to extract individual parts, more usable, from .hlp files, to gain the
ability to have help excerpts/pages in standard rtf. The biggest annoyance
with being stuck with only .hlp format, it's that copying anything from it
sends to the clipboard in broken plaintext form.
At last, I've now several GUI frontends for helpdeco, where for years had
been stuck at zero. I've sought this for a while. The helpdeco commandline
prog alone is ok, but graphical tools can offer worthwhile conveniences.

There are plugins for <OT> you know what ;-) </OT> to browse different
types of help files just like archives... ;-P

Because these plugins are free addons (to a none-free program) the
information is not *completely* OT here.

B. R. 'BeAr' Ederson said:
There are plugins for <OT> you know what ;-) </OT> to browse different
types of help files just like archives... ;-P

Because these plugins are free addons (to a none-free program) the
information is not *completely* OT here.

I don't have <OT> you know what ;-) </OT>. But that feature to be able to
browse the hlp files in place like that, it sounds really good, esp assuming
that then opens their rtf and pics up to be able to copy out to clipboard.

How about instead you give me the appropriate email address at
for sending in the request that they make this functionality available as an
update for Windows Explorer? ;)
How about instead you give me the appropriate email address at
for sending in the request that they make this functionality available as an
update for Windows Explorer? ;)

Use this contact to Raymond Chen at your own risk: ;-)

Maybe you better browse through his articles and post a follow-up to
one that sounds (at least a bit) appropriate.

Btw.: Do you know Ralph Waldens (= was Microsoft's lead architect
for WinHelp and HTML Help) WebPage? You'll find some interesting
programs here. KeyTools provides an examination modus for *.chm
files, for instance:
