The only thing I hope is that there will be no any
unhealthy competition between the two sites. Therefore I
suggest that there will be only one (1) vote for the yearly
pricelessware. A solution for this could be that Susan does
the voting for this year, and Garrett (and Genna and SOS)
do this for next year. And so on. Of course, both sites
mention the *same* pricelessware-programs in the *same*
categories, but they are free in how they present that on
their sites.
This SHOULD NOT even be the issue at all (and shouldn't even
go there)!
Who conduct the voting process is not important. Voting what
freeware are good and reporting the results are DIFFERENT
things and DIFFERENT issues. Although Pricelessware is
copyrighted, but I *think* it is not copyrighted to the
"site", it is copyrighted so that nobody have a piece of
software could falsely claim that it is Pricelessware (i.e.,
voted by the participant as Pricelessware in this group) so to
get more customers.
As the set of information (about what got voted) become more
seeked, making the information available in different
forms/format for users have become a big task. It is a lot of
works to conduct the voting, it is ALSO and perhaps EVEN MORE
work to maintain or *create* AND *design* a site to provide
that information. We have been very lucky that Susan wasn't
mind doing both and Genna didn't either. But there is not a
strict reason to just assume the one who would report the
results will necessarily be the one who conduct the process
(although it might as well be, but it doesn't have to).
Thus, one process is enough and no one need to just for
personal/destructive reason to conduct another one.
The most important things is that we make sure that the final
results (a complete list) of the voting is accurately
perserved in the ACF usenet archieve (so no one can claim
their ware as to be if it is not). And anyone can report this
results in different formats and different designs (visiter
will vote by their clicks)
Finally, although some said Garrett has not been involved that
much lately, let's not forget when Susan first start doing the
job, she was almost completely new to the group.
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