Guyon Morée
I've read all the discussions about the Pricelessware domain etc.
I don't want to mix in the discussion of wether to move or not, that's up to
you guys, but if you DO want to move I have an offer to make.
A friend of mine has a non-profit ISP. We host a bunch of sites based on an
'exclusive membership'. We only host stuff that we think is original in some
kind of way. We host some bands, artists, local cultural projects,
charities.... that kind of stuff. We believe the pricelessware-site fits the
criteria for this and we'd love to host the site.
At the moment the costs are 5 EURO (euro is slightly stronger than USD i
believe) per month. We are a non-profit ISP, so this is only to cover the
costs. When the number of members increases, the price will drop accordingly
to make an even balance. For this 5 EURO per month you'll get 600 MB
webspace and a 100 MB mail space. The server has all the features you can
think of
shellaccess,ftp,cgi, you-name-it)
I can assure you the server is a well equiped one and is placed in a
hightech datacenter in The Netherlands with an excellent backbone
connection. So if you are interested please email me at: gumuz(at)looze.net
or ask your questions in this thread for an open discussion.
Guyon Morée
ps. I will also need some details on your bandwith usage offcourse, because
bandwith is not unlimited(almost).
I don't want to mix in the discussion of wether to move or not, that's up to
you guys, but if you DO want to move I have an offer to make.
A friend of mine has a non-profit ISP. We host a bunch of sites based on an
'exclusive membership'. We only host stuff that we think is original in some
kind of way. We host some bands, artists, local cultural projects,
charities.... that kind of stuff. We believe the pricelessware-site fits the
criteria for this and we'd love to host the site.
At the moment the costs are 5 EURO (euro is slightly stronger than USD i
believe) per month. We are a non-profit ISP, so this is only to cover the
costs. When the number of members increases, the price will drop accordingly
to make an even balance. For this 5 EURO per month you'll get 600 MB
webspace and a 100 MB mail space. The server has all the features you can
think of

shellaccess,ftp,cgi, you-name-it)
I can assure you the server is a well equiped one and is placed in a
hightech datacenter in The Netherlands with an excellent backbone
connection. So if you are interested please email me at: gumuz(at)looze.net
or ask your questions in this thread for an open discussion.
Guyon Morée
ps. I will also need some details on your bandwith usage offcourse, because
bandwith is not unlimited(almost).