Ben Cooper
Ceg said:I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me why there is a
difference between burning a CD or posting an image of the CD (copy
of the finished CD not ISO) in an ftp area for download. Is it in
your license that the only way the expanded files may be distributed
is in the form of a physical CD?
From http://www.pricelessware.org/2004/CD2004PL.htm ...
"Redistribution of the CD:
Pricelessware programs are included if the author freely allows
redistribution and/or gave permission to the alt.comp.freeware newsgroup
to include the program on this CD.
You may make copies of this CD and distribute them to others. Recipients
may be asked to furnish a blank CD. They may not be asked to pay a fee
of any kind.
dvdsig.exe is a program that may be used to verify the CD. Doubleclik on
the program and choose verify.
Title.bmp contains a graphic image to use for a cover for the CD."
Which part are you having trouble understanding?
The ISO distribution is covered in the email Susan sent to the program
See http://www.pricelessware.org/2004/proposal-CD.htm
A few people seem to have trouble understanding the nature of the
project. It's a *burning* project, not a *distribution* project. If you
want the programs but don't want to request a PW2004 CD, then go to the
Pricelessware site and choose which programs you want to download.