Price cut?

TBH i've not had an Acer but he knows what he's on about, plus i was in PCWorld on Saturday (just getting blank DVDs) and 2 people there were trying to return the white Acer Aspires, so....its your cash at the end of the day.

Toshiba laptops are great and theres nothing wrong with Dell either, other good reliable makes are Samsing, Sony and LogiQ.

What kind of a budget do you have and what are you going to use it for, then we might be able to help you find something.
gavinhodges00 said:
I am waiting for your answer, please help me.

If you'd like more comments, it's worth creating a new thread in the retailers forum - as this thread started off on something completely different ;)

W_F did give you a response above too :thumb:
gavinhodges00 said:
I am waiting for your answer, please help me.
I can pull all your teeth out with a pair of pliers ... same thing as trying to contact Acer with a dead system.

Please start you own thread.

I am looking for the configuration of

Intel core 2 duo 2.0
ram - 2gb
hard disk - 160gb

I was looking for acer because somebody told me that acer is very cheap and have very good quality.

Acer are not that great these days, try Toshiba instead, a much more reliable maker of laptops.
feckit said:
Acer are not that great these days, try Toshiba instead, a much more reliable maker of laptops.

Thanks for your information ,i was looking for acer ,because it was cheap , but now i will go for Toshiba or Dell