Prevx -Security suite

  • Thread starter Thread starter Aaron
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POKO said:
I downloaded anything and everything in sight on my win98 box and my
computer friends cringed when they saw my systray, but I kept her
running fairly well constantly cleaning up after myself. Fortunately, I
had several co-workers keeping me on the straight and narrow with advice
and help. BSOD's - not that many considering what I put her thru.
I guess it boils down to my comfort level. I felt pretty much in control
with win98. I had moved to another location when I got my winxp box and
I was on my own - that made me leery from the start. It's growing on me
but I'm not at my 'comfort level'.

Thanks. BTW, this is probably the first time i hear someone refer to a
computer/box with "her".
I made the "leap" to W2K last year when I bought my first ever new
machine (always have had castoffs and second-hands and hand-me-downs).
Figured I might as well get with the 21st century. While I find it to be
a great operating system, I frankly still prefer W98 in most respects.

Well to each his own. I tried firing up one of my old win98 machines
after a year of w2k, and was appalled by how many times it froze/

My main w2k machine stays on all the time to as an htpc server. No
freezes, no problems. it is worth the trouble to learn how to shut
down services ( and clean the registry (ccleaner)
to keep it in tine
gerogepds said:
Well to each his own. I tried firing up one of my old win98 machines
after a year of w2k, and was appalled by how many times it froze/

Once I learned how to properly set up and *maintain* W98 on a machine
with adequate resources, I rarely experienced freezes or BSODs.

I *do* experience them occasionally with my antique laptop, but
considering it's a 150mHz machine with 32Mb of RAM, I'm more apt to
attribute those to the hardware rather than to W98.

I like the fact that with W98, you can get into DOS if necessary. It's
not much of an issue with my personal machines running W2K and XP, but
when I'm asked to work on a virus/malware infested machine, being able
to get into DOS makes things soooo much easier. I also really hate the
default Windows Explorer file structure in W2K/XP, and all the separate
User shit. Yeah, I know the OS is designed for a multi-user workstation
environment, but that doesn't make it any less a PITA for single home
users like me.

Nonetheless, W2K is my main OS for the near future. I'll continue to
keep a load of XP on a backup machine, just so's I can have that OS --
and it's idiosyncrasies -- at my disposal. A few years down the road,
when it's time for me to make another "leap," I suspect I'll be looking
at some flavor of the Penguin. I'm in a position where I get my OS
software for next to nothing, and the XP version I have doesn't require
PA, but the movement toward M$ controlled DRM (and the recently
discussed new M$-dictated USB standard) scares the shit outta me.