Preview Report

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I realize it won't update like a printed page but why is it that when I
change some data and then preview it it won't show the change? When I'm
making this change the preview isn't even opened. So when I fire the preview
it should be getting fresh data from the record that has already been updated
in the table. It just doesn't make sense. Maybe I'm just more confused at
this point.
Dear Secret:

If the preview was open before you change the data, then when you click to
preview you're seeing the old preview.

A new preview would have to be based on any changes in the data that are
recorded when it comes up.

I can see how you might be getting confused. I have been at several points
in this discussion, but not about how it works.

Close any preview before you change data. The changes will be in the next
preview if they have been saved, and you've confirmed that they are twice.

Tom Ellison
That's the key here. I'm opening the preview and creating the file. Then
after I close the preview I make a change and then fire the preview again and
it still has the original data. It's not showing the changes that were made.
The only way I can get it to show the new data is if I close it and open it
again. Here's what I'm doing.

1. Create a record
2. Preview it
3. Close preview and make a change to the data
4. Preview it again (still shows the original data)
Dear Secret:

I propose that one of your statements is not true. Either you did not close
the preview, or the changes to the data have not been recorded. I could be
wrong, but I'm betting its one of these two.

Perhaps your definition of terms is not in accord with mine. "Close the
preview" may not mean the same to both of us. Is it gone from the task bar?

And I understood that you opened the relevant table and the changed data
shows there.

I do not know where else to look to understand this. I'd really like to
help you find the solution. Not to be insulting, but I'm guessing it's "in
your head" somewhere. A misconception or alternative interpretation of what
we've been discussing all day now. A failure to communicate here somewhere.

I predict that sometime soon it will come to you, the block will evaporate,
and it will be as crystal.

Perhaps the key is to find out what must happen before you can open the
preview and see the changes. I really think the key is right there
somewhere. Then there will be light! Just like in my refrigerator. You
just have to open the door.

Best of luck with this.

Tom Ellison
Thanks for everything Tom. When I do clear my head and see the light I will
let you know what the problem was. Once again thank you for all your help
today. It was an experience.

Perhaps you're not really closing the report you are simply making it not
visible. You need to close it rather than set the visible property to

1. Create a record
2. Preview it
3. Close preview and make a change to the data
4. Preview it again (still shows the original data)

You are missing a step here

If you make modifying to data on the form, the changes are NOT yet written
back to the disk until

a) - you move to another record
b) - close the form

So, in the above, you need the code to save the record

Dump the docmd you were using

Simply use


The needs to be execute RIGHT before you open the report, since the report
works on the table data...

Of course, if the report is opened, and you have 10 users entering data..the
report does not magic update.