power unit troubles...

yeah its AGP, so i'll just check tonight when i get home.

Thanks for your help, i really didnt want to buy another PSU :)
right, i found the 4 piv connector i now, but my leads are to short so i need some kind of male-female connector.....any good sites for one of those?
you should have one that will reach if you re arrange them all, if not try overclockers or kustompcs
Me__2001 said:
you should have one that will reach if you re arrange them all, if not try overclockers or kustompcs

rearrangeing them still didnt work, they were too short due to the supply that has one lead free being built on the side....... i got a friend though who has a spare 4 pin so i'll see if that works and i'll get back to you :)
right sorted, my mate gave me the 4 pin and the power warning thing has gone, and the card seems to be running just that little bit better....

cheers for all your help :)