POP3 SPA authentication

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Hi, Bill.

I guess my account is not "valued" because MSN still charges my credit card
$6.95 per month. :>(

Actually, I think things got (further) screwed up when MSN finally got a
local dial-up number that I could contact without long-distance telephone
charges, several years ago. I signed up for a dial-up account then and that
may be what I'm still paying for. But I've been on broadband since 2000 and
don't even have a dial modem anymore; my computer has no connection at all
to my phone line now. I'd better check it out. Maybe I can stop paying.
NOte that you can us 'secure.smtp.email.msn.com' and you can then send MSN
email from *any* ISP. I have done it for years on Win95/98/W2K/XP.

Nope! When the Internet first came to town, about 1995, I signed up with
everybody and was using 4 ISPs for a year or two. That was pre-Outlook
Express when, using Netscape or one of the other early browser/email
programs, we had to dial in separately to each ISP to check our email on
that server only. MSN had no local number then, so it was always a
long-distance call. Both incoming and outgoing MSN worked for me then, but
I was never able to SEND via MSN from any other ISP - until Outlook 2007, as
I said. And receiving was sporadic, as I also said: it would be not
working when I tried, then working the next time I tried, perhaps months
later. It was just so undependable that I never did get familiar with it.
Did you know that around 2001, if you started/migrated to using Outlook
Express and HTTP email with MSN, that migration forever killed your POP3
access in future?

I did use an HTTP address for MSN in OE for a while, but I don't think I
ever really "migrated" to HTTP email. It was just kind of like when I use
Mail2Net occasionally to collect my MSN mail, without creating a new account
or modifying the old one.

R. C. White, CPA
San Marcos, TX
(e-mail address removed)
Microsoft Windows MVP
(Running Windows Mail 7.0 in Vista Ultimate x64)
Lori, et al...

Here is MS' latest comment on this "screw-up." They are FINALLY
acknowledging it, and saying it's because an MSN-required DLL is not shipped
in Vista.

"This behavior occurs because the Msnsspc.dll file is not included with
Windows Vista. This file provides support for authentication to MSN
accounts. This authentication method is required to support POP3 connections
to MSN accounts. Therefore, Windows Vista cannot create a POP3 connection to
an MSN.com account. "

They then tell you to use the "Microsoft Office Outlook Connector to access
the MSN account"

See here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/930008


Bill, thanks for the follow-up. I actually went through Microsoft support
and finally got a Vista guy on the phone, he actually called me back as
promised and he said that it is a Vista issue and they will have it fixed
before the public launch. Not sure if I have much faith in that statement
but, time will tell.
