Andre Kaufmann
Bo said:[...]Tamas Demjen said:Bo Persson wrote:
So, I claim that ISO C++ is not C, because it adds a lot and changes
some parts of the language. So does Java, and so does C++/CLI. They
all have some parts in common, but a lot of differences too. That
makes them all separate languages.
I have another point to add to the Java compiler comparison:
The Java compiler cannot compile C++ code, the C++ compiler cannot
compile all C code (C99 e.g.), but the same executable which holds the
C++/CLI compiler can compile all C++ code, if the language extensions
are not enabled by a compiler switch.
Not the same language (perhaps - as I already stated in the other
thread) but the same compiler ;-) - meaning the same executable holds
the C++/CLI compiler and the C++ compiler.
ISO C++ != ECMA (ISO in near future) C++/CLI, but
a C++/CLI compiler must also be a C++ compiler that can compile all C++
code if the C++/CLI extensions are not used for a certain piece of code.
Perhaps we have just different viewpoints ;-) - a C++/CLI compiler with
disabled C++/CLI extensions isn't a C++/CLI compiler anymore for you.
For me (and Tom) it's still a C++/CLI compiler with disabled extensions
and therefore 100% compliant to the C++ compiler.
Bo Persson